Dogmatismo en la industria del software

Páginas: 19 (4732 palabras) Publicado: 21 de octubre de 2010
Dogmatismo en la Industria del Software

Dogmatism in The of the Software Industry

Ing. Zugehy Escalante MSc.[1]


En los últimos tres siglos las ventajas competitivas que implica el uso de la tecnología de información y comunicación en las organizaciones, ha generado en la humanidad preocupación por desarrollar considerados niveles de conocimiento científico, que lo lleven aentender como el uso de herramientas tecnológicas puede afectar los procesos estratégicos y gerenciales de una empresa. En respuesta, este artículo a través una metodología documental, ofrece una mirada retrospectiva a la significativa contribución de las ciencias gerenciales en los procesos de cambio dentro de las empresas del sector industrial del software venezolano, demostrando que losavances tecnológico, influenciados por grupos, movimientos y culturas de desarrollo de aplicaciones, así como el uso de tecnologías de desarrollo emergentes, han traído como consecuencia adaptaciones importantes en la gerencia de gestión de estas organizaciones, y con ello se ha impulsado acciones dogmaticas, que llevan al rechazo de nuevos riesgos, por ello, mas allá de los conflictos que conllevenla adopción de un modelo, se recomienda que las empresas afronten las transformaciones, que de una u otra forma admitirá que podamos aprender y compartir tanto experiencias como resultados con las comunidades internacionales que están liderando el uso de estadares libres de programación.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Industria del Software, Resistencia al cambio, Procesos gerenciales en la industria delsoftware.


In the last three centuries, the competitive advantages that there involves the use of the technology of information and communication in the organizations, it has generated in the humanity worry for developing considered levels of scientific knowledge that they lead it to understanding as the use of technological tools can affect the strategic and managerial processes of acompany. In order to response, this article offers a retrospective to the significant contribution of the managerial sciences in the processes of change inside the managerial environment, to slant a documentary methodology sustained by experts in the area of the TICS and Management: Ginestá, Gonzalez, Pulmarejo and Rayport, as well as also the information compiled across articles and statisticalreports; With the purpose of obtaining an informative document it brings over of the organizational forms, adoptions and adequacies that implement the companies of the industrial sector of the Venezuelan software, which will allow to give; with the purpose of obtaining an informative document it brings over of the organizational forms, adoptions and adequacies that implement the companies of theindustrial sector of the Venezuelan software, which will allow to give response to the scientific advances in the educational and social sector of the nation, contributing in turn recommendations that go there of the dogmatic optimism of the science and the constant changes in the environments of development technological that alone have solved partially the problems, And demonstrating that theadvances technological have brought as consequence important adjustments in the management of management inside the organizations, these transformations receive influence of the groups, movements and cultures of development of applications, these dogmatic actions, inside the managerial processes they do that the companies constituted inside the industrial sector of the Venezuelan software, theyavoid to assume new risks, for this reason, and there of the conflicts that carry the adoption of a model, it is necessary that the companies confront the transformations, which of one or other one it models it will admit that we could learn and share, both experiences and results with the international communities that are leading the change.


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