Don Quijote English

Páginas: 4 (914 palabras) Publicado: 3 de mayo de 2012
Alonso Quijano is a Hidalgo, a low ranking Spanish person of nobility. He is about 50 years old and he lives in a settlement near the La Mancha region in Spain towards the beginning of the 17thcentury. He loves reading stories about knights and fantastic stories about chivalry, princesses, magicians, enchanted castles… In fact, he is so involved with these fantasies that he slowly starts to losetouch with reality and begins to believe that he is one of these fiction heroes.

Alonso finds some old armor and prepares an old horse from the stable which he names Rocinante. The knight decideshe needs to have a maiden, so, in his imagination he converts a young villager named Aldonza Lorenzo, who he was once in love with, into the lovely Lady Dulcinea del Toboso. As for himself, hebestows the name Don Quixote because it rhymes with the name of the famous knight “Lanzarote”, also known as Lancelot.

So, the new knight sets off on an adventure with a ridiculous new costume and thehope of committing heroic deeds. However, it will not take long for misunderstandings to occur between the real world and the fantasy world of Don Quixote. In one scene, Don Quixote arrives to an inn,which he believes to be a castle, and demands that the innkeeper dub him the noble title of “knight”. Later, he comes upon a young shepard whose master has tied to a tree and frees. Next, Don Quixoteis insulted by some merchants who he promptly attacks. The merchants give Don Quixote a brutal beating and leave him on the side of the road where he is found by a peasant and delivered home.

DonQuixote convinces his neighbor, Sancho Panza, to be his squire by promising him riches, fame and the governorship of an island. Sancho, unlike Don Quixote, is a practical albeit ignorant man. Littleby little he is seduced by the wild dreams of his new master. Together, they sneak away in the early dawn and their famous adventures begin.

The duo quickly come upon large windmills which Don...
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