
Páginas: 2 (404 palabras) Publicado: 15 de septiembre de 2012
Great Britain
History of education
Pre 1870, there was no organized system of education. 1870, further education act was introduced because the government was worried that the working class wasbecoming revolutionary.1944, children in the middle class went to fee paying grammar schools. Butler Education Act: was an obvious improvement on what went before.
Desde los antecedentesprehispánicos el Calmecac y el Tepochcalli se utilizaban como los principales recintos de educación “formal” de los pueblos sometidos por el régimen Mexica.
Great Britain
“Public schools” were notpublic in the common sense of the word. They were not intended for the children of ordinary or common families. Independent schools: in the UK is a school that is not financed by taxpayers or throughthe taxation system by local or national government.
Las escuelas públicas en México son las que están sostenidas por fondos públicos. Las escuelas privadas son administradas por empresas yse les cobra a los estudiantes por los servicios de enseñanza que brindan.
Great Britain
Education system
Is divided into four main parts: primary, secondary, further and higher education, also isslip into “key stages.” In Scotland, pupils between the ages of 5 and 16 years old receive full time education.
El sistema educativo está compuesto de 6 niveles: inicial, preescolar, primaria,secundaria, educación media superior y superior.
Great Britain
Admission progress for the University
With so many different causes and degrees, applying to university can be atrying experiencefor students and parents alike. Steps for making the application progress: 1-Visit the UCAS website, 2-Determine what do you like to study, 3-Decide what kind of course fits you,4-Find out if yourschool has registered with UCAS to use the online service,5-Determine when you must apply,6-Beding the application progress,7-Wait for your acceptance letter.
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