
Páginas: 5 (1097 palabras) Publicado: 12 de marzo de 2012
Amón |
God of origin tebano, supreme creative, identified with Ra. It is in the habit of representing as a sheep or as a man by head of sheep. | |
|Anubis |God of the dead men and of the embalming. It is represented as a man by head of jackal, or as a dog or jackal stretched together |
| |with(close to) a tomb or to Isis's feet.|
|Atón |Originally it was Ra. The Pharaoh Ajnatón gave a new name and the only(unique) god of Egypt proclaimed it. It is represented as the |
| |solar disc by long beams that finish in hands. |
|Bastet |Goddess of thelove and the fertility, sister of Ra. Sometimes she(it) is represented as a woman by head of cat or of another feline. |
|Hator |Goddess of the sky and of the fertility. She was a daughter of Ra and wife of Horus. She(it) is represented as a cow by the solar disc|
| |in the testuz or as a woman by head of cow and the solar disc.|
|Horus |God of the sky; son of Osiris and of Isis and husband of Hator. The majority of the times turns out to be represented as a falcon or |
| |as a man with head of falcon. |
|Imhotep |Mortal over-praised and considered son of Ptha.Protector of them write and of the medicine. It is in the habit of representing as a |
| |priest by the shaved head and by a papyrus on his(her,your) knees. |
|Isis |Goddess mother of Egypt, also of the magic and of the fertility. Wife and sister of Osiris and mother of Horus. She turns out to be |
||represented often as a woman sat in a throne with the solar disc in the head, or of foot with horns of cow in the head. Also |
| |it(he,she) appears nursing a small child, who is Horus. |
|Maat |Diosa de las leyes, la verdad y la justicia. Es hermana de Ra y esposa deThot. |Se la representa como una mujer con una pluma de avestruz en la|
| |Se la representa como una mujer con una pluma de avestruz en la mano, pluma que era la utilizada por Osiris como medida para pesar el |mano, pluma que era la utilizada por Osiris como medida para |
| |alma del difunto.|pesar el alma del difunto. |
| | | |
|Mut |Queenof all the gods and mother of all the created things, wife of Amón. It(he,she) appears often as a woman with head of vulture and|
| |his(her,your) name written in an ideograma. |
|Nut |Goddess of the sky, understood as celestial vault. She(it) is represented as a nake and enormouswoman, whose arched back covers the |
| |land. |
|Osiris |Principal God of the death, husband of Isis and son of Horus. Very often it(he,she) appears as a man with beard and the body bandaged |
| |like a mummy. It(he,she) takes...
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