Ejemplo De Ensayo Avanzado Para Modelo De Las Naciones Unidas

Páginas: 8 (1768 palabras) Publicado: 10 de febrero de 2013
Committee: General Assembly First Commission (Disarmament and International Security Committee)


Security Reform in Africa

Security Sector Reform (SSR) is a concept first conceived in late 1980’s Europe. It is conceived when there is a dysfunctional, undemocratic security sector in any given nation. In the case of Africa, the SSR began to be taken into considerationin 2007. The vast series of independence movements throughout the early 60’s and afterwards left most countries within the continent with violent, single party governments, often led by dictators or a political oligopoly. In past times this led to large multiparty elections, with political parties often claiming the existence of fraud. This in turn created political gulf wars, untrained militiaused for security, and police forces handled by relatively few people. The military is the substitute for the police in the continent today.
In Africa, most of the security sector is still handed mostly to the military, which many times assign Private Military Companies (PMCs) for protection, which further worsens the situation. There are major supporters of the SSR, namely South Africa, Botswanaand others; most countries are from the south. A large process for increased democratization in the security sector, which is a goal of the SSR, is taking place there. Middle and North Africa suffer higher levels of corruption in their security forces, causing much conflict. The SSR is of much more need there, as there are very low levels of prosperity and high levels of corruption in the area.Togo
Togo is an independent country located in North-Western Africa, bordering Benin to the east, Ghana to the West, and Burkina Faso to the North. Togo was never an independent country, their last occupants being France since 1914. Togo gained its independence from France in 1960. From 1960 to 1967 no leader was ever successfully established due to political instability. Gnassingbé Eyadémabegan his rule in 1967; his rule was never questioned until the early nineties, when political parties began to emerge in Togo (most notably the Union of the Forces of Change, or UFC). Elections were since established, and he was reelected three times, in 1992, 1998 and 2005 alongside his representative political party, the Rally of the Togolese People (RPT). As of now, the current leader in officeis Faure Gnassingbé, elected in 2005.
Currently, Togo faces aforementioned problems with political instability. Since the election of Faure Gnassingbé, the opposing party to the RPT, the Union of the Forces of Change (UFC) has claimed the elections to be a fraud. This generated problems between north and south Togo, as well as economic cut-offs from the European Union. To better manage bothparties’ interests, a new prime minister was assigned to Togo in 2007. Komlan Mally was elected however, ten months later he left office. Gilbert Hougnbo, a previous member of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), was then assigned. Although the UFC party voted against him, his election has caused the political situation to settle down significantly. New presidential elections are expectedto take place in 2010.
Social instability has been caused by the deep division between the UFC and RPT political parties, causing small armed conflicts throughout the country. The conflict began with the presidential elections of 2005, after the past president’s death. The people of Togo were divided through the left wing (UFC) and right wing (RPT) parties, and have caused rioting withinsouthern cities. Currently Togo remains in a fragile state, with an uncertain political future.

Current Status
In Togo, security is handled by the military. It acts as the police force for the country and national borders. In the past, the relationship between civilians and national security was grim. In the early 90’s, opposing parties to the RPT were swiftly handled by the military, causing...
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