
Páginas: 50 (12378 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2012
Table of Contents

Chapter 1—What is Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy?

Chapter 2—Triphase Training Program

Chapter 3—Specialized Hypertrophy Workouts

Chapter 4—Specialized Chest Hypertrophy Workout

Chapter 5—Specialized Arm Hypertrophy Workout

Chapter 6—Specialized Back Hypertrophy Program

Chapter 7—Specialized Leg Hypertrophy Program

Chapter 8—SpecializedDeltoid/Trapezoid Hypertrophy Routine

Chapter 9—Specialized Calves Hypertrophy Routine

Chapter 10—Setting Up a Full Specialized Hypertrophy Routine Schedule

Chapter 11—Workout Nutrition for GROWTH!

Chapter 12—Supplementation to Decrease Fatigue during Exercise


Triphase Training is a 3-phase workout program designed to add overall mass to
your body. Each phase is threeweeks long and targets a specific training variable. In
addition, Triphase Training contains workouts created specifically to bring up lagging
muscle groups, which are to be used after completing the 9-week Triphase Program.
The workout routines in this book are based on data from scientific literature as
well as anecdotal feedback and results. These routines have not only been validated byscience, but they have also been notarized by myself and many of my clients who have
added quality mass to their bodies and made their former “weak points” into one of their
most bragged about body parts.
As bodybuilders and physique enthusiasts, we strive to create a symmetrical,
proportional physique. During the quest of building such a physique, it is common to
have muscles that arelagging in development compared to the rest of the body. In order
to bring these lagging muscles’ development up to match the rest of the body’s
development, they must receive focused, intense training. This book will lay out training
routines specifically created to bring up lagging muscle development. In the quest for a
ripped, striated and balanced physique, this book is what you have beenwaiting for to
receive expert tips on training and supplementation strategies to obtain the perfect
I recommend doing Triphase Training while consuming a hypercaloric a.k.a.
bulking diet. Once you have completed the Triphase Training program, you can either
start back over at Phase 1 or move on into the muscle group specialized routines to bring
up lagging muscle groups. These routinesare not meant to all be done at once, rather you
should pick one or two of the muscle groups to focus on while adjusting or leaving the
workouts for the other muscle groups the same to allow for adequate recovery of the
muscles you are focusing on increasing in size. That is not to say that one cannot increase
the size of all the muscles groups at the same time, but these routines arespecifically
designed to bring up lagging muscle groups. Also, prioritizing too many muscle groups
may lead to fatigue and overtraining. With that said, on to HYPERTROPHY!


Chapter 1
What is Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy?
Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is an increase in a muscle’s cross-sectional area
(CSA). Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is governed by a host of hormones and growth
factors,including satellite cells, testosterone, IGF-I, IL-1 & IL-6, to name just a few. An
increase in muscle CSA is accomplished by:

Increase in the size of myofibrils
o Incorporation of new contractile proteins into the Actin and Myosin
o Incorporation of new proteins to the structural filaments
Increase in Sarcoplasm
Increase in the connective tissues surrounding the muscle,myofibrils, and muscle

An increase in CSA can be accomplished by two forms of hypertrophy: sarcomere
and sarcoplasmic.
Sarcomere Hypertrophy—Incorporate of New Proteins in Actin and Myosin
Sarcomere hypertrophy is an enlargement of a muscle fiber as a result of an
increase in sarcomere number and size. Sarcomeres, which contain the contractile
proteins actin and myosin are the...
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