
Páginas: 12 (2984 palabras) Publicado: 28 de agosto de 2012

Activity 1
1) make in a circle the correct answer.
a) five thousand divided by five hundred is:
1) 01 3) 10 5) 20
2) 50 4) 5500 6) 100
b) fifty thousand divided by one hundred equals:
1) 5000 3) 5500 5) 550
2) 500 4) 50 6) 510
c) seventy-five minus fifty is:
1) 20 3) 35 5) 75
2) 25 4) 125 6) 50
d) nine thousandplus one hundred equals:
1) 9100 3) 9010 5) 1900
2) 9001 4) 9011 6) 1190
e) eighty-two minus sixty–five is:
1) seven 3) seventeen 5) sixty
2) seventy 4) sixteen 6) six
f) eight hundred minus two equals:
1) 798 2) 198 3) 918
4) 698 5) 819 6) 818
g) ten thousand plus three hundred is:
1) 10030 3) 100300 5) 10003
2) 133004) 10003 6) 13303
h) thirty plus ten equals:
1) 40 3) 13 5) 17
2) 20 4) 03 6) 400
i) two hundred by ten is:
1) 200 3) 20 5) 210
2) 2001 4) 2000 6) 20000
j) fifteen thousand divided by ten equals:
1) 150 3) 1500 5) 1550
2) 1555 4) 15000 6) 5100
k) twenty-eight thousand minus six hundred, thirty equals:
1) 27370 3)72370 5) 37027
2) 23770 4) 28000 6) 20737
l) six times four hundred is:
1) 4200 3) 2400 5) 240
2) 420 4) 24000 6) 2004
m) three hundred divided by fifteen equals:
1) 150 3) 15 5) 200
2) 1500 4) 20 6) 02
n) fifty-two by six is:
1) 322 3) 312 5) 123
2) 223 4) 213 6) 58
o) eight hundred, thirteen and eighty-three
1) 690 3) 8965) 730
2) 906 4) 8960 6) 383
1) one hundred and seventy-seven and two hundred and eighty-four is
a) four hundred and sixty-one
b) fuor hundred and sixty-one
c) four hundred and six-one
2) eighty-four minus seventy-seven equals
a) six
b) seven
c) seventy
3) eight hundred, thirteen minus eighty-four is
a) seven thousand and twenty-nine
b) sevenhundred and twenty-nine
c) seven hundred and thirty-nine
4) nine times six is
a) fifteen-four
b) fyfti-four
c) fifty-four
5) two hundred, seventy-five by nine equals
a) two hundred, four hundred and seventy-five
b) two thousand, four hundred and seventy-five
c) two thousand, four hundred and sixty-five
6) fifty-four divided by nine is
a) six
b) sevenc) seventy
7) one thousand times ten is
a) ten hundred
b) ten thousand
c) one hundred
8) two hundred, fifty thousand minus two is
a) two thousand, forty-nine thousand and nine hundred, ninety-eight
b) two hundred, forty-nine thousand and nine hundred, ninety-eight
c) two hundred, forty-nine thousand and ninety hundred, nine-eight
9) thirty-five thousand by threeequals
a) one thousand and five thousand
b) one hundred and five thousand
c) one hundred and five hundred
10) two hundred, fifty thousand divided by five is
a) five thousand
b) fifty thousand
c) fifteen thousand
11) one hundred, fifty plus one hundred, seventy is
a) three hundred and ten
b) thirteen and ten
c) three hundred and twenty
12) onethousand, three hundred by thirty equals
a) three thousand, nine thousand
b) thirty-nine thousand
c) thirty thousand and nine
d) three-nine thousand

2) Do the operations and write them in letters in the blanks
1) 813 × 44 =
a) _____________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________
2) 84 + 77=
a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________
3) 30 ÷ 5 =
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________
4) 54 ÷ 2 =
a) ______________________________________________________________
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