El Asdmasdjasd De Ajsdanjdas

Páginas: 2 (471 palabras) Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2013

^1 - RED
^2 - GREEN
^4 - BLUE
^5 - CYAN
^6 - PINK
^7 - WHITE
^0 - BLACK



Big Brother Bot

!register Registeryourself as a basic user
!help [<command| * Level>] Get info on how to use a command, you can use “*” for partial matches
!regtest Display your current user status
!time Display theservers current time
!maps List the server map rotation
!nextmap Display the next map in rotation
!seen <name> When was this player last seen?
!admins Lists all the onlineadmins
!b3 Say b3 version info
!greeting [<greeting>] Set or list your greeting
!list List all connected players
!say Say a message to all players
!spam <name><message> Spam a predefined message
!spams List spam messages
!warn <name> [<warning>] Warn user
!warninfo <name> Display how many warning points a user has!warnremove <name> Remove a users last warning
!warns List warnings
!warntest <warning> Test a warning
!admintest Display your current user status
!aliases <name> Lista players aliases
!baninfo <name> Display how many bans a user has
!find <name> Test to find a connected player
!kick <name> [<reason>] Kick a player
!leveltest[<name>] Display the status of a user
!scream <message> Yell a message to all players
!tempban <name> <duration> [<reason>] Temporarily ban a player. You can useTime Suffixes for durations.
!ban <name> [<reason>] Ban a player for settings.ban_duration time
!permban <name> [<reason>] Permantly ban a player.
!spank <name>[<reason>] Spank a player, naughty boy!
!unban <name> Un-ban a player
!clear [<player>] Clear all tk points and warnings
!lookup <name> Lookup a player in the database...
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