El Colibri

Páginas: 2 (269 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012

In the rainforest, life unfolds so large. There, giant trees grow, the winding vines and a few plants of incredible beauty. As for theanimals that live there, countless live animals and animal large microscopes. There are some colorful birds that do not look anything like the otherparts of the world. No known as pretty as the hummingbird. In his feathers appear conjugates everyone in rainbow colors more vivid shades that an artistcan imagine.

The hummingbird has weak legs and short: the tail takes strange forms and is lined with various motifs. The bill is long, pointed andkeeps inside a tongue-shaped tube, using pair absorb the nectar of the flowers that provide their food. The hummingbird is the only bird that can flybackwards

Your way to fly is similar to that of an insect and held in an exact point in space by rapidly vibrating their wings. When flying, it isvery difficult to distinguish, and it seems as if his body were suspended in a vacuum while collecting nectar. This rapid vibration causes a whispertype noise.

The punch bowl shaped nest and the size of a walnut. The female builds it without help from the male, on a weak branch or a leaf. Theconstruction material is plant fibers and bits of moss then fixed with cobwebs. As has finished the nest, the female lays two eggs in similar to the size ofa pea, and incubates the time it takes. When the chicks are born, cares for herself. At birth, the chicks are wide and flat peak. After happening
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