El Deporte En Mexico

Páginas: 2 (394 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
Activity 1C: First Things First Worksheet
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Name: Brenda Garza Romero

Age/Grade Level Taught: 1st. grade

1.Procedure for dismissal at the end of period or day.

Teacher Script: Children it´s time to go home so please put your books and material in order, and don´t forget to push your chair under thetable. See you tomorrow!

Listed Instructions Students are to Follow:

• Put you books and material in order.
• Push your chair under the table before you leave.

2. Procedurefor quieting a class.

Teacher Script: Students when you hear the bell, you have to freeze, turn and face me, and pay attention for the instruction.

Listed Instructions Students are toFollow:

- Ring the bell
- Freeze
- Turn and face me
- Be ready for instruction.

3. Procedure for the start of the period or day

Teacher Script: Children everymorning when you get in the classroom you have to follow this procedure, first put your backpack away, then leave your folder or your homework in my desk, sharpen your pencil and go to your seat and waitfor my instruction.

Listed Instructions Students are to Follow:

- Put your backpack away.
- Leave your folder or your homework in my desk.
- Sharpen your pencil
- Andbe ready in your seat.
- Wait for teacher instruction.
4. Procedure for students seeking help.

Teacher Script: Children every time that you need something we are going to use a fingerscode so like this will not interrupt the others students work.
-One finger: I wish to speak.
-Two fingers: I want to go to the restroom.
-Three fingers: I need your help.Listed Instructions Students are to Follow:

-One finger: I wish to speak.
-Two fingers: I want to go to the restroom.
-Three fingers: I need your help.

5. Procedure...
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  • Deporte en México
  • el deporte en mexico
  • deporte en mexico
  • El Deporte En México
  • El deporte en mexico
  • Deporte En Mexico
  • Ensayo sobre el deporte en mexico

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