El Diablo De Los Numeros

Páginas: 2 (462 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2012

Currently, access to sustainable energy is recognized as a key factor for sustainable development aimed at alleviating poverty. On one hand, the power supply services forkitchen, lighting and communications are key to improving social welfare and on the other hand, supply services for the production and transport are essential to economic progress.
There are two trendsthat will influence future energy availability and access to it: Energy consumption is increasing in spite of markedly improving efficiency of its use, mainly in the countries industrialized. Rigorousestimates indicate that consumption will doublé over the next twenty years in developing countries. There is a growing use of substitutes for fossil fuels, which is accelerated by rising oil prices.Renewable energy, particularly biofuels, is being increasingly important. Therefore, experts predict that in this century company may no longer rely on oil and will depend on the bioenergy. Meanwhile,discussions on nuclear energy are becoming important again, despite the unresolved issue of the safety thereof.
We are addicted to fossil fuels, and that is not sustainable. The world developed removes80% of its energy from fossil fuels, and Great Britain 90%. And that is unsustainable for three reasons. The first is that the more easily accessible fossil fuels will run out some time, so possiblyhave to get our energy from another source. Second, that burning fossil fuels has a measurable effect, most likely, dangerous climate. Avoiding dangerous climate change is a change immediate use offossil fuels. And third, that although we worry about climate change, a drastic reduction in consumption fossil fuels in Britain would be a wise move if we are concerned
Energy security: if not, therapid consumption of oil reserves and gas North Sea would soon British addicts depend on the imports from unreliable (I hope you understand my skepticism).
And how can we rid ourselves of our...
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