El Psi Es Una Energia De La Mente

Páginas: 6 (1332 palabras) Publicado: 12 de septiembre de 2011
nergia de la mentePsi is an energy of the mind. That is your mind creates, and can manipulate it to achieve certain goals. Before manipulating it though we need to know where it is. We can do this by feeling psi.

How to feel psi.

Most find it easier to feel psi with one of their physical senses rather then trying to locate it in their mind. How we can do this is usually by either seeing ortouching psi. Since very view can actually see raw psi we'll stick to touching. Focus on the idea of feeling anything different then what your normally feel on your physical hand. Try this in a quiet room with little or no distractions. Sticking your hand out helps eliminate some of those distractions such as the feel of your clothes. If you feel anything such as a tingling feeling, a slightwarmth where there was none, etc. you are feeling psi. Lots of psions find making a ball out of psi one of the simplest and good starting places for psionic manipulation aka. manipulating psi.

Making a Psiball.

Psiballs are a good place to start in Psionics because they teach, and help you practice how to gather energy into a specific location, and give the energy a structure. A psiball is abunch of psionic energy gathered into a ball form in one point. Learning how to make one of these helps you learn how to gather energy and focus it on one point and keep it there, and learn some basic construct programming, which I will explain later on in the article.

First, start out by cupping your hands as if you were holding a tennis ball. You can make it any size you want but this is a goodstarting size. Cupping your hands has nothing to do with making the psiball. The only reason why it helps some is because it gives a focus point and helps your mind define boundaries on what size the psiball is, and what shape.

Visualize energy filling into the space in your hands so it forms a ball shape. This is a kind of command you are telling your mind to do. You are telling it to move thatpsi by visually looking at it going where you want. You can do this in your head, but for some it helps to visualize the energy in the air around them. The colour of the energy doesn't matter but I used to visualize mine as blue. Once you have the ball in your hands keep on adding energy by visualizing it building up and increasing in density. If you start to feel tired or have a slight headachethat's a sign you might not want to do more. Either picture or tell the psiball to stay in a ball shape. If you feel tingling or anything different then you'd normally feel around the area which you've made the psiball, good for you! You've just made your psiball. Try moving your hands away from it and the feeling will stop then try moving your hands through where you put the ball again. If youdid it right the ball should be there and stay there. If it doesn't just cup your hands around the area, try again, and hold the idea of the ball staying put and together stronger in your mind.

This is all very good and all and it might be entertaining for the first, twenty times at most? Most of us probably want to do something more with our little energy ball and that brings us into the nextsection. Construct Programming.

Basic Construct Programming.

A construct is any bunch of energy focused into a certain area and/or shape. Your psiball is a construct, a baseball bat you made out of focusing energy into that shape is a construct, etc. etc. The key word here, however, is 'Programming'. Programming basically is telling your construct to behave a certain way. For example. Weprogrammed our psiball when we told it to stay in one place and hold itself together. It's that simple, yet it can get very complex.

In this part, we are going to make a psiball construct that is programmed to stay together, and stay put, but also do something else. To add programming to something all you have to do is gather the energy into the form you want, such as a ball, and tell it or...
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