Elements of forecasting

Páginas: 5 (1109 palabras) Publicado: 2 de enero de 2012
MUN Parliamentary Procedure and Terms

Parliamentary Procedures

Parliamentary procedure is the procedure or method in which order is sought by both the Chair AND the delegates in a formal conference. It is composed of many rules and motions created to make a conference easier for everyone.

1. Modes of Address

First we’ll start with the obvious: do not use slang when speaking in aconference, all speeches should begin with “Mr./Ms. Chair, ladies and gentlemen of the house…” and not: “Yo wutup?!” Remember, you are trying to solve a world issue, not hosting a party with all your friends.

Here’s perhaps the most important aspect of parliamentary etiquette: NEVER REFER TO YOURSELF IN THE FIRST PERSON. That also goes for your peers. When speaking, use the name of yourdelegation: e.g. “The delegation of China does not understand” or “will the (honourable) delegate of Russia please clarify…”

The following are some phrases that can be used by delegates:
▪ Mr./Ms./Madam/Honorable Chair…
▪ The delegation of ________ has a point of ________ (see below under motions of parliamentary procedure)
▪ Is the delegate of __________ not aware…
▪ Does thespeaker not realize that …
▪ We yield the floor to the char/to the delegate of ______
▪ Does the speaker not agree….

2. Motions of Parliamentary Procedure

A motion is a point or request that a delegate would like to bring to the Chair’s attention. These should never be used to interrupt a speaker (at least wait until s/he has finished his/her sentence). Here are the most commonand most often used motions:

▪ Point of Personal Privilege: This is a motion used to let the Chair and the speaker know that something is bothering you (the speaker is too loud, too quiet, too fast, too slow or unclear). When wishing to bring across a point of personal privilege simply raise your country’s name card and say “Point of Personal Privilege” and the Chair will determine whetheror not it is in order and s/he will ask the delegate to rise and state the reasoning behind his/her point.

▪ Point of Information: This is a question a delegate might have for the speaker after s/he has finished his/her speech. A Point of Information can only be brought forth when the Chair has asked for them (after a speaker’s speech, s/he may or may not agree to be open to points ofinformation.) When the Chair has authorized points of information, simply raise your country’s name card and wait to be called on. Here are some tips to Point of Information:

➢ Use proper etiquette and stay respectful.

➢ Only ask ONE question when called on

➢ If the delegate has not answered the question to your satisfaction you may ask for a follow-up question bysaying “Request Follow-up.” The Chair rarely recognizes these.

➢ Points of Information are not only used to make the speaker look like s/he has said something wrong; it is very helpful to an argument if the delegate agrees with the speaker but do it in a form of a question. E.g. “Does the delegate of _________(speaker) not agree….”

▪ Point of Order: This is the motion used whenyou want to bring the Chair’s attention to a speaker’s or another delegate’s mistake in or violation of parliamentary procedure. If a delegate breaks any of the rules or regulations stated above or in following sections, wait for the speaker to finish his/her sentence then raise your country’s name card and say Point of Order. The Chair will determine whether this is appropriate or not. Ifappropriate, s/he will ask you to rise and state your point, i.e., “is it in order for the Delegate of Kuwait to do a cartwheel?”

▪ Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: This is a question directed to the Chair concerning parliamentary procedures in regard to time and related issues.

▪ Motion to Move into time For/Against: This motion is directed to the Chair. If the meeting is going slowly...
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