En Que Medida El Adn Nos Hace Diferente

Páginas: 7 (1508 palabras) Publicado: 26 de mayo de 2012
World War I

Name: Mauricio Robles Segovia

Group:3°i Roll:33

Product no 2
Report anthology of history events

Thursday March 29th 2012


28 junio Asesinato en Sarajevo del archiduque de Austria.
28 julio Austria-Hungría declara la guerra a Serbia.
1 agosto Alemania declara la guerra a Rusia.
3 agosto Alemania declara la guerra a Francia e invade Bélgica.
4 septiembre Tropas alemanas a 20 km. de París.
6-13 septiembre Batalla del Marne. Los alemanes retroceden.
29 octubre Turquía ataca Rusia.

22abril Los alemanes usan gases asfixiantes en Ypres.
26 abril Submarinos alemanes hunden el trasatlántico Lusitania.
24 mayo Italia entra en la guerra.
24 mayo Bulgaria entra en guerra junto a Imperios Centrales.

21 febrero Comienza la batalla de Verdún.
31 mayo Batalla naval frente a la península de Jutlandia.
1 julio Inicio de la batalla del Somme.
27 agosto Italia declara la guerra aAlemania.


1 febrero Alemania intensifica la guerra submarina.
6 abril EEUU declara la guerra a Alemania.
24 octubre Derrota italiana en Caporetto.
25 octubre Los bolcheviques toman el poder en Rusia.

3 marzo Rusia se rinde. Paz de Brest-Litovsk
21 marzo Comienzaofensiva alemana en el Somme.
29 septiembre Bulgaria firma el armisticio.
29 octubre Nace Yugoslavia.
31 octubre Turquía firma el armisticio.
9 noviembre Guillermo II abdica. Se proclama la República alemana.
11 noviembre Alemania firma el armisticio.


Between 1914 and 1918 took place in Europe the greatest conflict then known. Motivated by imperialist conflicts among Europeanpowers, the "Great War" as originally named to the First World War, involved the entire population of the belligerent states and that of their respective colonies.
The immediate cause that led to the outbreak of the First World War was the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo, Serbia (later Yugoslavia), on June 28, 1914.
Austria presented an ultimatum toSerbia and the July 28 war was declared. The system of military alliances created in the years before then came running.
Russia ordered the mobilization of their armies against Austria, in sympathy with their fellow Slavs. Germany, an ally of the Austro-Hungarian forces concentrated the maximum available to achieve a quick victory over France and thereby allow directed against Russia.
The plan leftthe Austrian army in charge of containing the Russians on the Eastern Front and directed most of his troops against France.
The French army was ready to turn to apply the counter centered on the River Marne.
German plans for the offensive.
The Germans began their offensive Western Leija making the August 16, 1914. On 20 August of that year entered Brussels. The French defense was overwhelmed,but in September, when the balance seemed to lean on the German side, the French army managed to repel the German offensive in the first battle of the Marne. After the battles of Ypres Yser and stabilized a front that stretched from the Channel to Switzerland.
On the eastern front, the Russian army went to East Prussia, where they defeated the Austrian army. The German General Paul von Hindenburgand Erich Ludendorff succeeded, however, a great victory over the Russian army in the battles of Tannenberg (August 26, 1914) and Masurian Lakes (February 1915). Russia then led a massive assault on Sicily, but the results were not favorable to either side and the eastern front was also stabilized.
The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) entered the war on August 10, 1914, by receiving...
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