English Essay 4

Páginas: 2 (375 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2013
Objective: Present two different views on an issue in this case, the HIV possitive student, using different kind of markers, explore new vocabulary and improve our reading skills.

1. Iread the instructions on BlackBoard
2. I look up for the book page and star my investigation.
3. When the information gathered I wrote down my opinion.
4. I wrote my conclusion about the homework.Results:

Issue: You’re a doctor. A patient of yours, who is a student, tells you that he has discovered that his roommate is HIV-positive. He is very concerned and wants your advice. What wouldyou tell him?

Advice: First of all you can’t judge the person because you don’t know the cause of his infection, he can be treated to survive more years and in this moment he needs yourfriendship. It’ll be valid if you don’t show any kind of racism or fear around him, because you could make him feel very bad, also you can stop yourself of thinking about the reason why he got infected, drugs,sex etc, or associated your fear of him being homosexual, however if you can’t handle the situation in a correct form you can ask for a change of room saying sorry and knowing that you are going tomake the other person feel very bad, but it’s okay to be honest about what you can’t do. Although I suggest you to be a good person and think: What if I would be in that situation? How would I likepeople to treat me? And apply the proverb “treat others as you would like to be treated”.

Conclusion: The different kind of markers can help us to explain better ourselves. These words are like ajoin or link to our ideas so we can say them in the correct form. Sometimes our statements are too different form each other that’s why we need these markers. When we are offering our point of view wefirst need to explain the topic so people know why are we saying that. So this homework was important to me because I could see the difference between writing with no markers and writing using...
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