English Exercises, Comparatives & Prepositions

Páginas: 2 (327 palabras) Publicado: 21 de julio de 2012
A. CONVIERTE LOS SIGUIENTES ADJETIVOS A SU FORMA COMPARATIVA 1. nice 2. cheap 3. important 4. slow 5. easy 6. near 7. hot 8. high 9. dangerous 10. thin

B. COMPLETA LOS ENUNCIADOS 1. My house is(big)_________________than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) ______________________than that one. 3. Non-smokers usually live (long)____________________ than smokers. 4. A holiday by the sea is(good)___________ than a holiday in the mountains. 5. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)________________ than a beer. 6. The weather this summer is even (bad)_______________ than last summer. 
BOB 28 years old 55 kilos 1.50 mt


HOMER 39 years old 80 kilos 1.55 mt

ALICE 9 years old 33kilos 1.20 mt

1. Bob is (YOUNG)_________________________ than Homer. 2. Homer is (OLD)__________________________ than Alice. 3. Alice is (SLIM)___________________________ than Bob. 4. Bob is (SHORT)_________________________than Homer. 5. Homer is (FAT) __________________________than Bob. 6. Alice is (SHORT) _________________________than Homer. 7. Homer is (UGLY) _________________________thanAlice. 8. Homer is (SLOW)_________________________ than Bob. 9. Bob is (TIDY) ____________________________than Homer. 10. Alice is (BEAUTIFUL)_______________________ than Bob. 11. Alice has got (LONG)_______________________hair than Bob. 12. Homer can play the guitar (GOOD)_________________ than Alice. 13. Alice can run (FAST)_____________________________ than Homer. 14. Alice draws(BAD)________________________________ than Bob. 15. Bob is (INTELLIGENT)_____________________________ than Homer. 16. Homer is a (INTERESTING)_________________________ person than Bob




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