
Páginas: 9 (2016 palabras) Publicado: 6 de mayo de 2011


The purpose of this unit is to enable you to introduce yourself and others, and to exchange personal details.

Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-person kind.

|1.- Text. Vocabulary about |2.- Text. Vocabulary about the|3.- Text. Ways of saying hello and|4.- Text. The alphabet and vowels.|
|classroom expression. |greetings. |good bye. | |
|5.- Text. Days of week, months of |6.- Make the dialog with use the |7.- Sports. |8.- Nationalities and countries. |
|year.|greetings and basic questions. | | |
|9.- Text. Vocabulary about the |10.- Numbers |11.- Make the dialogs. |12.- Questions about birthdays. |
|family | | | |
|13.- Roleplay. Occupations. |14.- Text. Answer the basic |15.- Oral and write productions. |16.- Consolidation Reevaluation. |
| |questions. | | |
|17.- Evaluation |18.- Review. | ||
| | | | |

- 6 sessions 1.1.1. Greeting people and responding to greeting.
1.1.2. Asking for and giving personal details.
1.2.1. Introducing oneself and other people.
1.2.2. Asking for and giving personal details.

1.2. Asking for andgiving personal details
Sample productions: What’s your/his name?; (My/His name is) Ana/Samuel; What’s your last name?; (My last name/It is) García; How old are you?; (I’m) 12/14/… (years old); Where are they from?; (They’re from) Brazil/The United States/…; They’re Brazilian/American/…; What’s your telephone number/e-mail address/ …?; (My telephone number/It is) 11128904; (My e-mail address is)secondary_kid@redescolar.org.mx; What’s your occupation?; What do you do?; I’m a student/an engineer/...

- Role play
- Diálogos
- Juegos de vocabulario

Se recomienda que en este bloque se inicie con el vocabulario a tratar en este bloque para que el alumno tenga los conocimientos previos para el desarrollo integral de los temas subsecuentes. En este bimestres se procurara tener unatransversalidad con la asignatura de Español en cuanto a los temas relacionados con Sustantivos, Adjetivos etc.



The purpose of this unit is to enable you to give and obtain information about possessions and to describe actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking.

Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal andnon-person kind.

|1.- Text. Vocabulary about the |2.- Describing your clothes. |3.- Describing to wearing clothes.|4.- Text. There is / There are. |
|clothes. | | | |
|5.- Part of the house. |6.- Text. Possessives pronouns. |7.- Colors.|8.- Questions and answers with |
| |Describing his / her. | |Where is / Where are / Do you |
| | | |have. |
|9.- Questions and numbers with Are|10.- Text. Comparatives...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas