Ensayo De Comparacion Entre Ralph y Jack En Ingles ... Lord Of Flies

Páginas: 2 (425 palabras) Publicado: 13 de julio de 2011

The novel LORD OF FLIES describes how humans from their childhood act on different ways without the help of others, and how their actions are changing constantly. Ralph and Jack, theprincipal characters, in different circumstances are showing this; their similarities and differences make that they take contrary ways to survive.
Although Ralph and Jack play roles that aretotally different in this novel some of their acts are similar, since they have the same idea, which is to survive. As Ralph and Jack who are people who want to achieve their goals, Jack’s goal is to killthe pig which is on the island, and Ralph’s goal is to keep the order until they get rescued. Both Ralph and Jack are between 12 and 14 years old, who are the oldest kids on the island, therefore theyhave to take care of the younger kids and make decisions which affect the group which they lead. Like Ralph, the leader of the kids on the island who is always keeping the order avowing the chaos,Jack is also a leader who is the chief of the hunters; their mission is just killing no matter what.
On the other hand Ralph and Jack, who develop opposite personalities during the time in the island,are reflecting their behaviour and actions on the island. Ralph always has been a reasonable and calm person; those characteristics help him to have new ideas such as recollecting food and constructionof shelters, while Jack turns to a wild, where his only goal is hunting. After starting his wild life, wild Jack changed his behaviour and actions, he started to wear little clothes and mask forstealth, and however Ralph who fell sorry for Jack wore clothes as a symbol of being human and not a wild person. On the island every action and decision that Ralph makes is based on and for the rescue,since he wants the welfare to him and the rest of the children, in spite of, Jack who is getting crazy and obsessive day by day does not want to leave from the island, because he thinks it is his new...
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