
Páginas: 3 (619 palabras) Publicado: 10 de mayo de 2014
I wish I hadn’t gone to that holidays

Last year, my mom thought about going to Las Toninas in holidays. I don’t know yet how we could acept. They was the worst holidays of the world. I wish Ihadn’t gone to that.
First, we weren’t going alone. My grandmother came with us. She didn’t stop of complain. Everything we did, she didn’t like. She was insupportable all the time we were at the car.All of us agreed in not take her in other holidays.
Apart from this, we had some problems with the hotel. It has awful. The beds were too uncomfortable, the bathroom was a mes. I was alwayas thinkingon move to other hotel.
And It was other thing, there weren’t anything. Nobody goes there on holidays. It was so boring. There weren’t any place for have lunch or something like that. The beachswere dirty, and we hadn’t any umbrella, but we didn`t need it really. The weather was horrible. Most of thay were cloudy.
When we got back home I announced that I would never go to thay type ofholidays again. I would not support it. My brother said the same as me, so I won’t stay alone.

Marvel se caracteriza por ser una de las compañías de comics más famosasen todo el mundo debido a sus superhéroes, los cuales la mayoría fueron llevados al cine. El Hombre Araña (Spider Man) es uno de los personajes más exitosos y ya ha sido conocido por gran parte de lapoblación. Con sus juguetes intenta llegar tanto a los jóvenes como a los coleccionistas o fanáticos del personaje.
En la mente de los consumidores, Marvel siempre ha ocupado lugarprimordial debido a su popularidad, y debido a esto, los juguetes del hombre araña son muy populares entre los jóvenes. Además, es uno de los superhéroes clásicos del mundo de los comics. Debido alas películas realizadas en los últimos años, este a logrado un nivel de popularidad mucho mayor, lo que produjo que sus juguetes o figuras de acción se convirtieran en una de las principales...
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