
Páginas: 7 (1671 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012
Oct 13th 2012.

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Hello my friends. It’s quite funny how some of your ‘fans’ write in and comment on the fact that you keep on talking about LOVE and wondering when you are ‘going to change the record’ so to speak . Would you care to comment on that.Greetings and jubilations to you … One and All. We do not have much to say regarding that matter other than ‘WE LOVEYOU’! With all respect for all … those that find our conversation to be repetitive are the ones who haven’t quite ‘Got it yet’ … and therefore there is the need of repetition! One is so very quick to assume that they have become ‘enlightened’ and state over and over to many that they are a ‘Highly spiritual person’ ... and yet it is those very same souls that then will speak of someone negatively whentheir back is turned. Hence the need to continue on drumming it in that LOVE IS WHO YOU ARE ... SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW IT AND BECOME IT IN FULLNESS.WHEN you return to BEING THAT LOVE … THEN you will be a 'Highly spiritual person'.  For you see dear ones, a 'Highly spiritual person’ has no desire to tell another that they are! For a ‘Highly spiritual person’ … just is!I personally FEEL quitecomfortable these days with whatever it is you wish to speak of. I rarely have something pressing to ask … and I am more than happy to leave it up to you. However ... not long now until the end of the year … the temperature is rising and hearts are fluttering. How are YOU and YOURS FEELING right now?We are speculating ‘disturbances’ to be forthcoming ‘any day now’.'Disturbances' sound a bit disturbing.Yeton doors of rooms you may have ‘Please do not disturb’. This simply means ‘Do not interrupt’. So therefore, we would say that … all being well … any day NOW there maybe interruptions from the norm and once introduced … one will never know the norm as it normally is/was.That sounds exciting. I am aware of SO many that simply look up at the sky and shout from their hearts silence ‘Bring it on!’ Sowhatever you mean by this, rest assured there are many of us that are dribbling in anticipation!We can continue TRUE to form and repeatedly state that WE COME IN LOVE. We can ask of your forgiveness towards/upon those that have caused so much wide spread dis-ease in its many controversial forms. We can expect from you that which we have so proudly discovered to be the 'WARRIORS OF LIGHT' that YOUARE. You have for so long been ‘undercover’.  In these coming days … YOU … as the forbearers of the future … shall march forth as ONE. There shall be an understanding with your soul … that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.Many of you have felt so ‘forgotten’ … so 'misunderstood'. Yet we say to you now in Knowledge of what is to come … that your hearts core shall be pulsating with strength and recognition of whyyou are here. You shall have released all FEELINGS that suppressed the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE. From with inside of you … each and every one … shall rise THE YOU THAT IS HERE TO DO WHAT YOU CAME TO DO. No longer shall there be questioning. No longer CAN there be doubt. It cannot enter into your equation of that which you shall KNOW.For we say ‘ONCE THIS ALL BEGINS … THERE SHALL BE NO STOPPING YOU’.Youwill FEEL a difference in your waking breath. For those who could not find purpose to existence ... there shall be a spring in your step and a leaping in your hearts beat .THE NEW WORLD is so close now. It would be appropriate for us to describe it in this way. You are as an architect … the plans have been drawn … The final ‘ok’ has been stamped upon them. You have the go ahead and now all thereis to do is to ‘build it’. It all works on paper. The design is flawless. All that is needed are the ‘materials’ in order to create it into reality. My mind didn’t FEEL quite right about the word ‘materials’ … can you clarify please?Exactly as we had hoped you would ask.  For we shall provide them. You are not meaning materials as in bricks and mortar though are you?Indeed no. We are meaning...
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