Environmental Problems

Páginas: 6 (1381 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2012

There are many environmental problems that our planet sick. These in turn are closely related to other economic and social problems. As Eco Pibes is essential that we know, we know what is happening, why what happens happens, that's wrong with them and, most important of all, we can do to help protect our environment. These are just a few, we areworking to bring you more.
Climate Change:
Surely you heard talk about the greenhouse effect. Maybe you heard on TV or your teacher gave you to do some work on that, maybe you heard from your parents or a friend told you what it is.
Here we will tell you what we learned about the greenhouse effect and climate change. The issue is not easy but as Eco Pibes we know what it is and we can even domuch to this problem does not escalate.

Ozone Layer:
The thinning of the ozone layer is one of the environmental issues of most interest to today's world and we write Pibes Eco.
We are very concerned about what is going on and thought it would be good that you could investigate what we counted. We care for the environment and so we have to learn how to prevent this problem continues.

Lossof Biodiversity:
Biodiversity is very important for life on our planet. Many species and ecosystems are disappearing, becoming extinct ... which really is very serious.
If you think about it, is the only environmental impact is undoubtedly irreversible. Today we have means to reverse, in varying degrees, many of the problems that cause the man on the environment. But when a species becomesextinct there is absolutely nothing we can do to recover. Therefore learn about its importance and causes of this problem is essential for all Eco Pibes we contribute to preserving biodiversity.

Solid Waste:
People today generate large amounts of waste, to the point that it has become a serious environmental problem in most of the world's cities. On one hand the amount of waste seems to grow day byday and the other alternatives are challenged to arrange for their impacts on the environment.Nobody knows where to put all that rubbish!
It also happens that there are places where piles secretly pulling everything regardless of the problems that can lead to both the environment and the health of people living nearby.
As you can see, this is a real problem that affects everyone. That is why wehave set to investigate to find out what is happening and how we can help to prevent the situation from worsening.

Until now we saw issues such as climate change, the weakening of the ozone layer, garbage, etc.. All they have to do with pollution but, for us to learn together some concepts we develop this section.
There is much to learn. Some things are simple and others less so,but we will try to discover a little of the mysteries surrounding this major problem. With patience and dedication will quickly become an expert on pollution and are ready to fight it.

A network problem:
It is important to understand that just as in the world all things are related, so are their problems. That is, although sometimes it is a little more difficult, we must try to look at theenvironmental, social and economic as a complex web of cause and effect.
How is this? Well, think of a fishing net or a soccer goal. This consists of threads and knots, which in our case represent links and problems respectively. The network does not exist or knotted yarn, both are necessary to form it. This is what happens in reality. The problems (knots) are not isolated but are interrelated (bywire).
We say it is cause and effect because the links have a direction, represented graphically by an arrow, which indicates that a problem is caused or contributed to another. For example, pollution causes or contributes to deteriorating health. This relationship would be as follows:
The problems of sustainable development (environmental, social and economic) are many and can be represented...
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