
Páginas: 5 (1121 palabras) Publicado: 23 de enero de 2013
LESSON: Where in the World?

Title: Where in the World? Submitted: May 23, 2008
Author: Sandy Mills-Alford School/Org: AliveTek, Inc.

Lesson Overview:

This pictorial lesson is designed to encourage inquiry by showcasing some magnificent views of earth that astronauts and NASA cameras have captured from space. Students will be asked to observe photos, ask questions andmake predictions regarding each photo with this hands on, collaborative lesson. The beauty of these photos is very inspiring.

Suggested Classroom Time: 60 minutes Grade Levels: 6-10

KLASS Module: 2-Orientation Topic/Console: Views from Space

Materials Needed:

|Activity |Documents |OtherMaterials |
|1 |Background information: |Demonstration computer with Internet |
| | |connection |
|2 |PRES_Where-World.ppt|Writing tools and 1 printed color copy to |
| |ACT_Where-World.doc |be cut in half for distribution to students|
| |KEY_Where-World.pdf ||

National Standards/Objectives:

|Discipline |Standard |Objective |
|Science |A. Science as Inquiry |Students develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. |
|Science |G. History andNature of Science |Students explore science as a human endeavor. |
|Technology |Technology problem-solving and decision-making|Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving |
| |tools |problems in the real world.|
|Math |Reasoning & Proof |Students recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics. |

Desired Results:
Students will be able to answer these essential questions
• Where in our world were these photos taken?
• What in the world are these photos showing?
• From my observations, what are some questions Ican ask and answer?

Students will know
• That NASA’s observations teach us a lot about our world and provide a view never before seen by man.

Students will be able to
• Record observations, ask important questions and make predictions.

Learning Plan/Activities:
1. Introducing the Lesson.
Script: “Today we are going to see what the astronauts see by viewing many photos andreading several narratives that describe photos of our world. As we go through this activity and view all of these cool photos, I’d like you to practice your scientific skills. We are going to review the process for observing, inferring, predicting, and classifying information like NASA scientists. So let’s get started!”

There is an audio introduction at this site if you would like to play itfor the class to help introduce the photography project. Be careful not to show any information for the photos that are featured on this page.

2. Presenting Photos and Discussing Observation and Inference.
The classroom activity should begin with the class viewing the Where in the World? presentation...
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