Essay On Independant Cinema

Páginas: 2 (471 palabras) Publicado: 27 de julio de 2011
Below the radar
What is independent cinema? This term is often used by the media and by marketers to describe films which may be categorized as “underground”, “experimental”, “avant-garde”, or even“art-films”; and their most outstanding characteristic is that they are produced outside of a major film studio. Independent films are not based on a great budget but on a great idea, an idea in whichthe profits that it may earn are not included, which makes this kind of cinema the most heart-felt and sincere to watch, unlike commercial cinema.
In box office hits, the most important thing is nothaving a great idea, but to be able to sell it. If you go to the theatre and see the billboards, you’ll find a bunch of well-known names, such as Brad Pitt, Nicholas Cage, and so on and so forth; whoare world-known stars, and that makes those films get a great deal of recognition, unlike indie films, in which most of the cast is barely known.
Generally, indie films have more of a personalmeaning, and this may give rise to some problems when it comes to understanding the purpose of the film, which is why they’re not as popular as other types of movies. They consist of simple yet extravagantstories which would not be normally outspoken, they don’t count with big productions, nor special effects, and their settings are centered in the exteriors, in public places; or in some other cases, inunconventional locations. Unlike commercial films, indie ones are filmed in a much more free way, giving space to a flow of a myriad of emotions which may not come out as natural in any othercontext.
Independent films are a whole spirit when it comes to making movies. You can have some funding, but if the whole crew is fully convinced about the movie, and works knowing that the earnings willnot be as much as expected, then that’s independent. However, if a major film studio funds the movie, the independent spirit is lost, and it shows in the final result, leaving something that could...
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