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Páginas: 2 (382 palabras) Publicado: 9 de abril de 2012
A: Hello men!
B: oh Mauro! .. hi! How are you??
A: Very good here .. seeing what’s going on with this march
B: oh .. yeah that’s so cool … but it’s always the same .. some march some disturbs
A:yep… but now tell me .. what are you doing here? .. do you work around this place?
B: Ehhh .. no in this moment I have my break for lunch … I work now in Microsoft Chile
A: woow .. that’s great ..I work for Linux Chile … jajajaja
B: jajajaja we are enemys? ajajaja…. Well and now what are you going to do?
A: hmmm .. let’s go at SchoDog for some beers?
B: all right let’s go … and tell me ..with girlfriend or not?
A: for this moment no … but actually I’m dating with one lady jeje .. and you what’s up?
B: yeah I have Girlfriend .. she have 22 years old and study Graphic Design
A: oh.. great! … and what do you know about the other guys?
B: oh! … Did you remember one classmate of last name Cancino?
A: Casino? … or Cancino?
B: Cancino …
A: aaaah yes I’d remember … what’s upwith him?
B:He have a girlfrieeend!!
A: Nooo!! Are you kidding me right?
B: .. nooo … everybody thinks that he was gay but he doesn’t
A: OH MY GOD … I can’t believe that .. that’s .. that’s .. ascience miracle!
B: jejajaja I thonk the same when he said me that … cheers for him?
A: noo not for him .. for the science! Jajajaja
B: And … hey can I question to you something?
A: Yeah tell meB: well … what do you believe about the accident of Robinson Crusoe Island?
A:Terrific … I can’t say anymore about a that ..and you?
B: I don’t know … maybe was everything planed for the Mr.President
A: perhaps … but Camiroaga was and will be the best animator of the Chilean television
B: Agree … well the 21 were very good persons .. everybody
A: yeah you have reason … well I hope what theyRest In Peace
B: Is the most probable men … but well .. hey men give men your phone number
A: all right .. 7487327 … check?
B: Yeah! .. okey .. I must get back to work .. see you another day men...
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