Estrategias de lectura

Páginas: 40 (9856 palabras) Publicado: 10 de marzo de 2011
Asking Questions helps students read for different purposes: clarification, to create meaning, make predictions, to wonder about what the author is trying to tell the reader.  As students become more and more proficient in asking questions, they develop a deeper understanding of the text they read.   | Thick Questions: *Address large concepts * Don't have just one answer * Can begin with Why, How come, and I wonder * Require evidence to support the answer completely Thin Questions:  * Have one correct answer * Can be answered with yes/no * Clarify confusion * Locate specific content | To establish and clarify the purpose for reading a particular text. Asking questions about a text helps alearner to establish their purpose for reading that text and to monitor how far their reading of the text is achieving that purpose. Asking themselves questions as they read also helps the learners to engage with a text and to monitor their use of reading strategies. After reading, the learners can generate and respond to questions to demonstrate that they have comprehended the text. | ASK QUESTIONSTO GUIDE READINGGood readers generate questions before, during and after reading to clarify meaning, make predictions and focus their attention on what's important. Why, what, where, who and how?  Questioning during reading will allow students to better understand the material. * What does this text seem to be about? * What do I already know about this subject? * What do thesubheadings tell me about the topic? * What kind of text is this? * What do the highlighted words/phrases tell me? |
Good readers generate questions before, during and after reading to clarify meaning, make predictions and focus their attention on what's important. Why, what, where, who and how?  Questioning during reading will allow students to better understand the material. Directions: read thetext and answer the questionsWhat does this text seem to be about? _What do I already know about this subject? What do the subheadings tell me about the topic? _What kind of text is this? What do the highlighted words/phrases tell me? |

Pre-questioning involves presenting students with a set ofwritten questions (Royer et. al., 1983) or having students generate their own questions on the topic of the reading passage (Taglieber, 1983).” (Grellet 1981:62). Pre-questioning also “functions to get students to predict within a context area what the text will be about” before studying the text (Carrell 1988:247). They make students “aware of what they wish to learn about the topic”(Grellet 1981:62), since these questions set purposes for reading. | The aim of the activity is two-fold. As Carrell (1988:247) points out, “pre-questioning functions to motivate students to read what follows for a purpose, that is, to gain the requisite information to answer the question. Being motivated is one of the most important factors that can help students in the process of reading”. “The morestudents look forward to reading and anticipate in their minds what the text could hold in store for them, the easier it will be to grasp the main points of the passage | You can also write out a series of questions you expect to be answered when reading:
Examples: Definition
What is....?
Where does ... fit?
What group does ... belong to? Characteristics
How would I describe...?
What does... look like?
What are its parts? Examples
What is a good example of ...?
What are similar examples that share attributes but differ in some way? Experience
What experience have I had with ....?
What can I imagine about ...? | 1. What is the text related to?a-Accounting b) Administration c) Human Resource Managament 2. What does the text concentrate...
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