
Páginas: 2 (411 palabras) Publicado: 29 de agosto de 2012
Maximiliano Zirion Flores Grupo1IV17 Turno Vespertino
Self-Access N°11

Topic: Can or Can´t

Objective: Learn to use can or can´t

Activity: Write can or can´t
I_________ play soccerI_________ sneeze with the eyes opens
I_________ swim
I_________ sleep with the eyes opens
I_________ jump the rope
I_________ walk in the walls
I_________ make pizza
Source: Beeline Plus 2 editorialMacmillan
I can jump in 1 foot
I can´t eat a lot
I can climb a tree
I can´t sleep all the day
What I learn: Learn what is can or can´t

Maximiliano Zirion Flores Grupo 1IV17Self-Access N°12
Topic: Plural nouns

Objective: Learn to use “S”

Activity: Put “s”, “es” or “ies”
Cat Cat__
Fish Fish____
Dog Dog____
Fox Fox______
Baby Baby______Source: Beeline Plus 2 editorial Macmillan
Parody Parodies
Wish Wishes
Box Boxes
Globe Globes
Computer ComputersWhat I learn: To use S ES IES

Maximiliano Zirion Flores Grupo1IV17 Turno Vespertino
Self-Access N°13
Topic: Countable or Uncountable
Objective: Learn the Countable things and UncountbleActivity: Use C to countables or U to uncountables
Apples _________
Milk _________
Carrots _________
Sugar _________
Sand _________
Chairs _________
Pears _________
Coffee _________
Source: Beeline Plus 2 editorial Macmillan
Grapes C
Orange C
Water U
Lava U

What I learn: I learn what iscountable or uncountable

Maximiliano Zirion Flores Grupo 1IV17
Self-Access N°14
Topic: How Much and How many
Objective: Learn How Much and How Many
How _______ apples are there?
How_______ juice is there?
How _______ orange are there?
How _______ milk is there?
How _______ carrots are there?
How _______ water is there?
How _______ sugar is there?
Source: Beeline Plus 2...
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