Estudio de la ergonomia en una planta textil

Páginas: 15 (3511 palabras) Publicado: 22 de septiembre de 2013
Universidad de Lima
Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería
Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial

Trabajo de investigación:

Mejora de métodos y medición del trabajo en una taller de producción textil


Valeria Paola Salazar Romero Código 20101017
Carlos acosta Código
Carol Rivadeneira Código

Lima -Perú
Octubre 2012

The human being, has been considering since a long while as the most important source of an organization. This race, had to experience different historical situations to be finally considered. For example, at the begining of the industrial revolution the human being was mistreated and their work condtions were neglected, but over the years and thanks to theconstantly changing paradigms, it began the new era based on men. This is how is born the concept of ergonomics and optimization of working conditions.
Acording to that, this research work aims at applying the concepts learned in the course of work design, focused on labour at a workstation in a textile company. We will discuss, among other aspects of its design and workstation ergonomics, such as thetechnical study of methods. Will apply concepts related to anthropometry, biomechanics, physiology, noise, and lighting; culminating this chapter with a redesign of the station and proposed quality improvement work .

We hope that the reader will please and serve as help and guidance for future work relating to this topic.


1.1 Nameand historical background
AB. GRUPO TEXTIL was founded on October 2, 2010. Its main representative is Maria Alejandra Baigorria Alcalá (General Manager).
It is a company dedicated to the manufacture of garments for ladies among which we can mention: skirts, dresses, shirts, blouses.

1.2 Company details: RUC, phone number, adress and name of the person whoattended.
RUC: 20536888617
Phone: 994174911 – 4971556
Company Type: Limited Liability Sole Proprietorship (EIRL)
Adress: Jr. Antonio Bazo Nro. 1140 Int. 608. La Victoria-Lima.
Name of the person who attended the group: Sergio Baigorria

1.3 Presentation and description of the product chosen for the study. Plan, sketch or photograph of the product.
The chosen product is a short party dresswith a black zip. It is made of fabric and lace bengaline, chinese raw materials purchased without problem surrounding the factory shops in the commercial center Gamarra.
It is noteworthy that they produce monthly around 1500-2000 season garments and double this amount in high season (July and December). Concerning this, the garment selected forms 20% of the company, which reflects the high demandowned.

Picture 1.1: Photograph of the selected party dress

1.4 Description of the production process of the product under study
The process begins with the laying of the foundation fabric on the working table, it verifies that it is fully extended (no wrinkles), because otherwise the error might be reflected in a poorly cut. Oncefinished, proceed to the silhouettes drawn that make the product onto the base fabric using chalk, this operation is performed by an operator, to complete the process that rigorously inspects the parts of the fabric. It is noteworthy that the silhouettes are standardized, which have previously been approved by the design area. Then comes the cutting process in which an operator manually drives thesemi-industrial cutter. In this operation there exists ullage (fabric scraps). In parallel, the same operations performed above the lace fabric, with the difference that this makes up only 2 pieces (2 front) of the total product. The pieces are then passed to the sewing area, formed by four sewing threads. Performing individual finishing the eight cutted pieces which form the main parts of the product...
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