
Páginas: 4 (763 palabras) Publicado: 15 de septiembre de 2011
Gilberto J. Millán April 27, 2011
9-03#12 Mrs. Potter

Vocabulary Lessons: 21-30

1. Acclaim- loud applause; praise
2. Affected- influenced; stirred emotionally
3. Affirmation-something asserted as true
4. Agility- an ability to move quickly and easily
5. Alteration- the process of adjusting or changing
6. Amends-something done to make up for something done wrong7. Applicable- appropriate; able to be applied
8. Assess-to determine the rate of charge or the amount to be paid
9. Asterisk- a starlike mark
10. Autonomous- self-governing; independent11. Bibliography- a list of books or essays
12. Bilingual- able to speak two languages well
13. Biographical- having to do with a person’s life
14. Brochure- a pamphlet
15.Chronological- arranged in order in which things happened
16. Circumscribe- to restrict; to limit
17. Clamber- to climb with difficulty using hands and feet
18. Collaborate- to work together19. Collateral-anything that guarantees the fulfillment of a loan or obligation
20. Collective-gathered into a whole; group working together
21. Comply- to act in accordance to a rule,request or custom
22. Condolence- sympathy for someone’s grief or sorrow
23. Connives- to cooperate secretly
24. Contaminate- to pollute; to make impure
25. Convey- to carry or to send fromone place to another
26. Deficient- lacking of some essential quality
27. Denounce- to condemn openly
28. Depict- to picture in words
29. Depreciate- to lessen in value or in price30. Discredit- fail to believe; to cause doubt
31. Discreet- careful in speech and in action
32. Disrupt-to disturb or interfere
33. Dissuade- to persuade someone not to do something34. Drastic- severe; extreme
35. Dubious- causing doubt; uncertain
36. Dwindle-to become less and less; to decrease
37. Elapsed- to slip away or to pass
38. Emerges-to come into...
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