
Páginas: 2 (269 palabras) Publicado: 6 de junio de 2012

The term ecology comes from two ancient Greek words: • oikos, meaning house and logos, which means science. Hence Ecology is defined as the science thatstudies the interrelationships between organisms and their environment.
A given species establishes relationships with its environment, but so does some other species with which itshares space, which is why usually divide the autecology and synecology Ecology.
• The Autecology studies the relationship of one species with their environment. It is based onquantitative analysis, which is concerned with the geographical distribution and population dynamics (birth, death) and qualitative, which regards the genetic characters. Self studiesthe characteristics of individual organisms. The problem is that Autecology considers the individual in isolation. Has points in common with environmental physiology.
As mentionedearlier critics of Autecology say the information obtained for the species studied is biased information. Despite the autecology is an essential step for the study of populationsand communities pq can not approach the study of a higher level without understanding how they work their guidelines. The autecology (ecology or individual) is the study of theorganism and the individual species in relation to the above medium.
• The synecology, studies the relationships between different species in a community or biocoenosis, such asrelationships that keep the plants and animals. deals with the study of populations and communities. The synecology addresses whether the study population as if the issue is the communitygives us an overview of the functioning of natural systems. The synecology (or ecology of the community) is the study of groups of organisms that are associated to form a ...
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