Eutanasia en ingles

Páginas: 2 (259 palabras) Publicado: 2 de junio de 2010
Euthanasia- Scotland

Euthanasia is popularly taken to mean the practice of assisting severely ill

people to die, either at their request or by taking thedecision to withdraw life


Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to Scotland told that euthanasia dissapoints

the Christian religion as that country’sparliament considers to allow assisted

suicide.The pope urged Catholic leaders there to speak out for their faith and try

to persuade people to go against it.A law that allows assisted suicide was proposed to the Scottish parliament in

January by a lawmaker who says the terminally ill must be allowed to seek helpto end their life. Pope Benedict is really concernid and supported that

euthanasia strikes the dignity of human life ,all human beings are entitled to bevalued, irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, social status or their potential for

achievement, human life is sacred because it's a gift from God, therefore thedeliberate taking of human life should be prohibited except in self-defence or

the legitimate defence of others

We must respect our own valueWe shouldn'ttreat ourselves as a means to our

own end And this means that we shouldn't end our lives just because it seems

the most effective way of putting an end to oursuffering. To do that is not to

respect our inherent worth.
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