Examen Ingles

Páginas: 6 (1489 palabras) Publicado: 24 de julio de 2012
 Woman: | I'll be back in the office early on Monday. |
 Man: | Right. a good weekend, then. |
Woman: | do you do? |
Man: | I'm a chef in an Italian restaurant. |
Man: | These two coats look the same. Which one is yours? |
Woman: | I think mine's the one the left. |

Woman: | What do you think is the best age to get married? |
Man: | I'm not sure. |Woman: | Well, I'm not going to get married I'm at least 30. |

Boy: | Don't you think Richard's just his brother? |
Girl: | Well, they are twins, you know! |
Man: | Could I speak to the manager, please? |
Woman: | Certainly. Who shall I say ? |

Man: | Sam have been at the meeting this morning. |
Woman: | I know, but he missed his train. |

 Man: |  Will you be atJohn's party tomorrow? |
 Woman: |  Well, I'll come I finish work in time. |
Boy: | Where's your bike? |
Girl: | The police warned me it without my lights, so I left it at school. |

Girl: | I was off school all last week – I was feeling really ill. |
Boy: | Oh, I'm sorry that. What was the matter? |

11 What does the woman mean?
A  Have you finished putting that shelfup?
B  Do you need any help putting that shelf up?
C  Why is it taking you so long to put that shelf up?
Wife:  | Are you still putting that shelf up? |
Husband: | I'm doing the best I can! |

12 What does the female teacher mean?
A    | I haven't had time to form an opinion about the new principal.  |
B    | I'm not wasting my time worrying about the new principal.  |
C    | I'mnot very impressed by the new principal.  |

Female teacher:   | I don't think much of the new principal, do you?  |
Male teacher:  | No – he's always running people down.  |

13 What does the woman mean?
A    | You'll have to come into work early tomorrow. |
B   | You always start work too late. |
C   | You needed to start earlier. |
Man: | How am I going to get all thispaperwork done today? |
Woman: | You should have come in earlier. |
Man: | Well, that's not very helpful! |

14 What does the man mean?
A   | I think it's a really good documentary. |
B   | It's the only thing on worth watching. |
C   | I'd rather watch something else. |

Woman:  | That documentary about whales is on again tonight.  It's supposed to be great. |
Man:  | Yes,I've seen it.  Is that all that's on? |

15 What does the woman mean?
A   | My daughter prefers celebrity magazines to current affairs. |
B  | My daughter is always reading newspapers and magazines. |
C   | My daughter has many newspapers in her room but never reads them. |
Man: | Teenagers seem to be obsessed with famous people these days. |
Woman: | Like my daughter ... shehardly ever looks at a newspaper but has a room full of celebrity magazines! |

| |
16 What does the teacher mean? A  You were late for the class today. B  You don't try hard enough in class. C  You must find out the time of the class tomorrow.   Student: | Bye then sir! |
Teacher: | Bye Frederik – and do make an effort to come to class on time tomorrow! |
Student: | I'll try, sir! |
17What does the man mean by his SECOND comment? A  | I hadn't realized there was a strike. |
B  | It was lucky the strike didn't delay you.  |
C  | I was concerned that the strike had affected you. |
Man:  | How was your holiday? |
Woman: | Well, apart from being stranded at the airport for 24 hours, it was idyllic. |
Man: | Oh, I wondered if you'd been hit by the strike. |
18 What doesthe woman mean? A  | It's the man's fault that they are late. |
B  | She doesn't mind the traffic. |
C  | He should drive faster. |
  Man: | We're going to miss the start of the game, you know. |
Woman: | Yes. You said the traffic would be light on a Monday. |
Man: | Well, it usually is. |
19 What does the woman mean? A   | She is disappointed about the location of the fashion...
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