Example Of An Essay: Sports

Páginas: 2 (427 palabras) Publicado: 10 de febrero de 2013

Sports are any activity that involves physical movement. Although the terms are confused, sports and physical activity don’t mean exactly the same. The difference is that sport is aspecialized type of physical activity and organized with established rules and physical activity can be done at home, at work or during leisure time. Playing sports helps not only your body but also givemany other benefits. Some of these benefits are the constant physical movement, help reduce obesity in adults and children and develop moral values.

We remain in constant physical movement whilepracticing a sport. For example in tennis we exercise running from side to side in the court. In basketball we exercise running and jumping for the ball. Other sports not necessary involve any type ofball like swimming. Physical Education teachers and health professionals say that the best sport is swimming because you are exercising every muscle in your body. In the United States the most playedsports are basketball, baseball and football. Other common sports that help us exercise ourselves are tennis, soccer and volleyball.

Sports help reduce obesity in children and adults. Obesity can leadto heart disease, diabetes and others physical diseases. Obesity can cause also depression and low self-esteem. While practicing a sport your body burns the food you eat, helping you to stay in agood fit and have a good appearance. Sports help children stay healthy by making exercising fun and entertaining. Sports also help children and adults to develop healthy hygiene habits and habits ofsocial intercourse.

Through sports we are able to develop good moral values for the society in which we live. Sports are usually associated with values and attitudes such as cooperation, dialogue,respect, responsibility, sincerity or creativity. This explains the remarkable presence of sports players in many of the activities taking place in society. In addition to this in children and young...
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