
Páginas: 2 (457 palabras) Publicado: 10 de marzo de 2013
Lic. Sandra Patricia Bello Grado :Noveno Periodo : I
En el enunciado de éstaspreguntas se presentan varias oraciones numeradas y en las aparece el orden de éstas para construir un párrafo. Usted debe leer cuidadosamente el enunciado, organizar las oraciones en forma lógica ycoherente, y escoger la opción que contenga el orden correcto.
1. The Olympic Games had to be revived.
1. again until 1896 in Athens
2. after being banned in 393 A.D.
3. the Olympic games did notresume
4. by Roman emperor Theodosius I
A) 2,3,1,4
B) 1,4,2,3
C) 2,4,3,1
D) 4,2,1,3
2. Do you know who is the father of Rock´n Roll ? Don´t forget Elvis was “The king”.
1. with his speedy,spiced up version of
2. delivered them to the mainstream audience
3. all the essential ingredients of rock´n roll and
4. Rhythm and blues, Chuck Berry combined
A) 3,2,1,4
B) 1,4,3,2
C) 4,1,2,3
3. After 80.000 people are killed by Hiroshima´s atomic bomb, can you believe human race continued fighting for ideologies? This time it was in Korea.
1. under international authority
2.non- communist forces in Korea
3. the conflict between communist and
4. Was the first war fought
A) 2,1,4,3
B) 3,2,4,1
C) 4,2,3,1
D) 1,2,3,4

4. The beginning of this century witnessed a lotof changes in artistical conception all around the world.
1. the Dada movement, attacking the seriousness of
2. ready- made materials to make “antiaesthetic” creations
3. modern painting andsculpture by using
4. spread through Europe and to America during the 10´s
A) 1,4,2,3
B) 2,3,1,4
C) 3,1,4,2
D) 1,3,2,4
5. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a very scandalizing book in the 12th century.
1. astorytelling contest amongst a group of
2. The Canterbury Tales- the story of
3. In 1387, Geoffrey Chaucer began to work on
4. pilgrims traveling to a shrine in Canterbury
A) 3,2,1,4
B) 1,3,2,4
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