Factores en el desarrollo infantil

Páginas: 2 (438 palabras) Publicado: 11 de septiembre de 2012

The journalism is an activity that it (he, she) consists of gathering, of synthesizing, jerarquizar and of publishing information relative to the current importance. To obtain the abovementioned information, the journalist must resort obligatorily to verifiable sources (fountains) or to his (her, your) own (proper) testimony. The base of the journalism is the news, but he (she)understands (includes) other kinds (genres), many of which are interrelated, as the interview, the article, the chronicle, the documentary and the opinion. The journalism can be informative, interpretiveor of opinion. The information is spread by means or technical supports, which gives place to the graphical journalism, the written press, the wireless journalism, the audio-visual one (by means oftelevision and the cinema) and the digital journalism or multimedia.

Is the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a widening spectrum of media. These include newspapers,magazines, radio and television, the internet and even, more recently, the cellphone.

Article – Artículo
Is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun,and may also specify the volume or numerical scope of that reference. The articles in the English language are the and a (the latter with variant form an).
Correspondent - Corresponsal
Is ajournalist or commentator who contributes reports to a newspaper, or radio or television news, from a remote, often distant, location.
News – Noticias
It is the statement or draft of an informative textthat wants to be announced by his( her,your) own( proper) rules of construction (statement) that says to a new or atypical fact - or the relation between(among) new and / or atypical facts-, happenedinside a community or certain specific area, that it( he,she) does that his (her,your) spreading(publication) deserves.
Front page – Primera página
Primera página de una publicación periódica....
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