Facultad De Univercidad Abierta Y A Distancia

Páginas: 16 (3923 palabras) Publicado: 11 de febrero de 2013
Fundación Universitaria San Martín
Facultad de Universidad Abierta y a Distancia
Unidad Académica de Idiomas
English III
La redacción de este fascículo estuvo a cargo de: Marisol Alarcón Vanegas, Julio César Ochoa Gómez, Ramiro Sierra González, Juan Carlos Viana Anillo

Fundación Universitaria San Martín
Facultad de Universidad Abierta y a Distancia
Unidad Académica de IdiomasEnglish III
La redacción de este fascículo estuvo a cargo de: Marisol Alarcón Vanegas, Julio César Ochoa Gómez, Ramiro Sierra González, Juan Carlos Viana Anillo

English III
Fascicle No. 2


Previous Knowledge
Conceptual framework fascicle 2
Time Clauses and Phrases

Combination ExercisesShare activities
Recommended Bibliography
Self evaluation process

This fascicle will be a valuable aid in the study of English. In it you will find an explanation about how to use: time clauses phrases, present, future, and past tenses.
Time Clauses and Phrases

Previous knowledge

Answer the followingquestions:
1. What does your best friend do at weekend?
my friend sleeps on the weekend
2. Why do you think is important to learn English?
__I think its important to learn english because it makes me more global________________________________________
3. What are you wearing right now?
right now iam wearing a red blouse and blue jeans andred shoes
4. What are you doing at this moment?

_at this momnet iam doing my english exam_________________________________________
5. What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon?
tomorrow afternoon i will be with my lover
6. Will you help your mother with the housework?

_no I will not help mymother with the house work the maid will help her_________________________________________
7. Did you study for this lesson?
yes i have studied very very much for this lesson
8. When did you go on your last vacation?

__the last time I went on vacation was last week I was in miami for a week vacation________________________________________Achievements

At the end of this fascicle, students:
 Distinguish time clauses in phrases and learn how to use them correctly.
 Recognize and understand the difference in the use of time clauses in present, past, future and imperative.

Time Clauses and Phrases
1. A clause is a group of words that has a subject (S) and a verb (V). We can have two clauses in the same sentence.

2.The time clause can precede the main clause. If it precede, we separate the two clauses with a comma.
Before class begins, the teacher takes attendance.

3. A time clause can begin with before, after, when, while, or until.

A. Before indicates the second event.
Read the instructions before you start the test.

B. After indicates the first event.
After you finish the test, youshould check it over.

C. When means "at this time."
You can turn in your homework when you leave.

D. While also means "at this time." We use while with a continuous tense. (Informally, we can also use when with a continuous tense.)
Listen to the teacher while (when) she is explaining the lesson.

E. Until shows that one event changes another.
Don 't leave until the teacherdismisses the class.

4. When the subject of both clauses is the same, we can use a present participle (verb+ -ing) after the time word.

Before I took the test, I studied for two hours.
Before taking the test. I studied for two hours.

She left the room after she finished the test.
She left the room after finishing the test.

5. The general rule for tenses in the two clauses...
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