False Friends They Are Not What They Seem

Páginas: 21 (5072 palabras) Publicado: 3 de diciembre de 2012
false friends
they are not what they seem

ESOL: PROJECT (English for Specific Purposes)
Module Code: 6LN004
Module Leader: Marla Addison
Student: Eder G. Pascual +447863922082 Student Nº: 100138849

1. Introduction .………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
2. Aims ..…………………….……………………………………….…………………………………… 3
3. Methodology………………………………………………..…………………………………..… 4
4. Literature Review – Findings …………………………….……………………………..…. 5
4.1 History Origins Common Influences And ..………………………………. 5
4.1.1 English Language …………………….……………………………….. 5
4.1.2 Spanish Language ………………………………………………..…… 6
4.1.3 Common Influences .……………….……………………………….. 7
4.1.4 Influences Between Spanish English And Vice Versa … 7
4.2 Questionnaire Analysis …………………….………..………………………….… 8
4.2.1 Quantitative Analysis..…………….……………………………….. 8 Socio-Demographic Account ...……………..…… 8 Results In Numbers and Graphics .…………….. 9
4.2.2 Qualitative Analysis ……………………………………………....… 11 List Of Most Common Used False Friends ... 11 Some Personal Experiences With False Friends 13
4.3 Consequences And Importance of False Friends ....………………… 13
4.4 Body Language…………………………………………..……………….…………. 145. Conclusions and recommendations ….…………..…………………………. 15
6. Bibliography And References …………………………..………………………. 16
Annex I. English Spanish Cognates .………………………..……………………. 17
Annex II. Questionnaire .…………..……………………………..……………….…. 26
Annex III Influences Between Spanish And English And Vice Versa. 27

1. introduction
For the analysis of this topic I have chosen the two main tongues aroundthe world by number of speakers and countries used. They are Spanish and English the 2rd and 3nd by number of mother tongue with 329 and 328 million people and 44 and 112 countries respectively (Ethnologue, 2009). We can see the geographical distribution in the map below:

We go to study exhaustively the origin and the relations of both languages, but as introduction we must know that accordingto some authors, first origins of both were:
English tongue born from Indo-European Family deriving to Germanic, with Latin (French) influences.
Spanish tongue born from Indo-European Family deriving to Roman (Latin) and with Germanic, Latin (French) and major Arabic influences.

Once you know the preliminary, we can define what are Cognates and False Cognates or False Friends:
BetweenEnglish and Spanish languages we can find thousands of words that are basically the same in both languages. They are called “cognates” and are words that have the same writing and the same or similar meanings in English and Spanish. Just changing one or a few of the letters, usually the suffix, for example: tion by ción (construction=construcción), ly by mente (finally=finalmente), ist by ista(artist=artista), ate by ar (terminate=terminar)… we can find a lot of them in annex 1.
At the same time we can find words that do not follow this rule. They are called “False cognates” or “false friends” and are words in two languages that are similar in writing and/or pronunciation but have different meanings.
As we will see with this study, the cognates can help to learn a second language, butFalse Friends can be a head-breaker in business work-structures, workplaces and can sometimes be very dangerous.

2. aims
The main objectives of this study are:
1. Through a well-known of both languages history, we could know why Cognates and False Friends Exist and the similarity between English and Spanish.
2. To know the most common used False Friends and mistakes.
3. The realimportance of those mistakes and their impact in daily life and relationships, focused in business and workplaces.
4. Other communication methods and supports, like body language and signs and their differences on both countries and possible False Friends.

3. methodology
According to what was learned in class on this...
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