
Páginas: 2 (399 palabras) Publicado: 3 de agosto de 2010
Most people says that ghost do not exist in this world, that we might imagine stuff, or there is some kind of reasonable explanation for paranormal activity. this world that might not be visible toour eyes, it is to animals as dogs and cats, this two, are the most receptive animals. phamtoms are presumtly a way of another life, we could say spiritual life, where angels and demons are present. ifphamtoms are present in this world is because they are here for a reason, or to repare some sources of pain they had in life.
There are many types of pahmtoms, it is a factor depends what ritualhave done in that place, the pain, the energy that is most used,and the way they (people)were murdered , there are studies where determined that there are sectors where exist a specie of phamtoms, asthe sea has it's sectors and types of fishes, the underwolrd does too.
This spectros say present in places there is negative energy, that is a kind of portal for negative entities to get to the placeand hard to leave, and mediums or fathers have to practice a exorcism to return the entities to its original place, another factor is if they were murerded their soul stays there, searching for thereason they were kiled, or trapped in between two worlds, the real world and spititual world. There are two kinds black side and god side, the good and the bad.
There are places called "haunted"where we would say there are paranormal activity, in some places exist the posibility to find a demon or just another phamtom or a entity called poltegreist, this last one, is formed by a composition ofvary energies trapped in a place, however we do not know what we might be able to catch but there is people that can work with this world they are common known as mediums or spiritual counsulars, theyare able to talk to them, mediums can also help to realease bad entities from a place by putting a white candle and holy water and by praying. or some come up with exorcism if only if, the spirit is...
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