
Páginas: 16 (3833 palabras) Publicado: 24 de enero de 2013
As some of the goals of feminism is to decolonize theory & practice & to have interests in poor wmn as a center with world wmn´s common interests grounded in shared critical positions & needs. All these reflected in transnational feminism & post colonialism. Spivak has persistently & persuasively demonstrated that deconstruction is a powerful political & theoretical tool.One of the ways in which Spivak has demonstrated the political value of deconstruction is by focusing on the rhetorical blind spots or groundingmistakes which stabilise conventional notions of truth & reality Spivakcrucially challenges the common-sense assumption that clear, transparentlanguage is the best way to represent the oppressed. She suggests that the opposite is actually true. Forthe transparentsystems of representation through which things are known & understood are also the systems which control & dominate people. For thisreason, Spivak’s thought emphasises the limitations of linguistic &philosophical representation, & their potential to mask real social &political inequalities in the contemporary world. Spivakhas questioned the ‘lie’ of a globalsisterhood between ‘First World’& ‘Third World’ wmn, pointing instead to the complicity ofwestern feminism & imperialism. By doing so, Spivak exp&s &complicates the critical terms & political objectives of feminism in a way that is more sensitive to questions of difference. For Spivak, the traditional disciplines of rational academicinquiry haverestricted the way we think about texts& ideas in relation to the social, political & economic world. Before we can learn anythingabout the economic text of globalization or the patriarchal oppression of ‘Third World’ wmn, Spivak insists that we must first unlearn the privileged systems of western knowledge that have indirectly served the interests of colonialism & neo-colonialism. Spivak’s thought traverses a range ofcritical theories, texts & contexts which overlap & intricate in illuminating & radical ways. It would thus be impossible to reduce Spivak’s thinking to a single critical position. Instead, the Key Ideas section traces the evolution of Spivak’s most important interventions in a way that is in keeping with the political spirit & theoretical complexity of her thought. Spivak questionsthis common view, arguing that the exaggeratedpolitical claims made on behalf of postcolonial texts often ignore how postcolonial societies are still riven by the legacy of colonialism. As a counterpoint to these political claims. Davis on the other h&, talks about Imprisonment which has become the response of first resort to far too many of the social problems that burden people who areensconced in poverty. These problems often are veiled by being conveniently grouped together under the category “crime” & by the automatic attribution of criminal behavior to people of color. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, & illiteracy are only a few of the problems that disappear from public view. All this work, which used to be the primary province of government,is now also performed by private corporations, whose links to government in the field of what is euphemistically called “corrections” resonate dangerously with the military industrial complex. The dividends that accrue from investment in the punishment industry, like those that accrue from investment in weapons production, only amount to social destruction. Taking into account the structuralsimilarities & profitability of business-government linkages in the realms of military production & public punishment, the exp&ing penal system can now be characterized as a “prison industrial complex.” More than 70% of the imprisoned population are people of color.Conversations about “race relations” will hardly dismantle a prison industrial complex that thrives on & nourishes the...
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