Fire scar

Páginas: 3 (514 palabras) Publicado: 16 de febrero de 2012
Most of us are sixteen, it is just the beginning of our lives, and we still have two years left of high school before we have to face real life. But perhaps God didn’t want it that way. He thought weshould start our lives before. That’s why today, July 12 of 2001 I received a call. I think we were waiting for that call to happen but none of us really acknowledged it, thinking that maybe if wedidn’t think about it the chances of it happening would be less. But unfortunately it did. Daniel passed away today of colon cancer. He was in my grade. He was my age. And he was my friend. I don’tunderstand who decides this type of things. Who decides who gets to live and who doesn’t? Daniel’s mum died a year before his death from breast cancer. Daniel has a sister and he has a dad. What happensto them now? What happens to us?
There will probably be a big mass at school where we’ll cry and ask ourselves questions like the ones formulated before. But I think there will never be a moment whenwe will truly understand why it happened.
At the beginning of the sickness we all thought it was something that he would recover from. But then he started to look thinner, losing his hair,basically he just started looking how we always imagined we thought someone with his disease would look like but we were afraid when it was actually him that looked like that, for us, his appearance was whatmade the disease a reality.
There were days when it seemed like he was doing better, when we thought it was a possibility that he would live. That is why the call came as a surprise to all of us. Wewere really expecting him to live, because he really wanted to live. He never gave himself to cancer. He always fought against it and believed that he could make it.
Today, one year, one month andthirteen days later, I tell you he didn’t make it. I tell you that we got to see him a couple of days before it happened, the yellowish his skin had turned, how thin he looked because of his ribs...
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