Folleto Alimentación

Páginas: 2 (327 palabras) Publicado: 8 de octubre de 2012
The relationship between Mexican students’ responsibility in classroom and their teaches’ discipline strategies

The classroom discipline is a complicated topic in all the countries, becauseincludes self discipline; the regulation by the kids or man/women of his own mind and acts. As everybody knows, the main problem for all the teachers is the STUDENTS DISIPLINE. Discipline and behaviourproblems in private and public schools are serious, persistent and are compromising student learning. There are many reasons why discipline can be a problem in a classroom. One of the reasons could bethe teaching style, dealing with students’ whit many personal problems or involved in gangs, or a lack of limits at home. Additionally, the classroom environment is very important to achieve a goodbehaviour in all the students. It is very complicated to develop a technique or several strategies for creating behaviour change, in order to develop an excellent classroom discipline and a relaxedatmosphere.

Another problem for teachers and schools is to develop a responsible behaviour in children, the personal responsibility and the communal responsibility are two concepts that should beimplemented in an early age, and be reinforced throughout life. This is an important mission for teachers and parents, in order to develop good citizens with a higher level of responsibility.

Thepurpose of this essay is to analyze the relationship between Mexican students responsibility in classroom and Mexican teacher discipline strategies. Will seek to discuss the effects and consequences ofcertain strategies of a school, where they seek to establish the concept of Intelligent Discipline. In order to have a better understanding, it is essential to get a clear scenario of Mexican culture andeducation system. This is followed by an examination of some strategies for the classroom management that are being implemented in some Mexican school. The essay ends with a brief discussion of the...
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