Freud's Multiple Personalities Theory

Páginas: 2 (376 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2013
Title: ____________________ Name: ______

Freud’s triple structure of the personality - Drafting
“The mind is a very complex organism, and to understand it better, Sigmund Freud divided thepsyche into three: the id, the ego and the superego.”

Freud’s most important idea was that the human psyche has more than one aspect. This structural theory was first introduced in his book“The Ego and the Id” on 1923. He divided it into three parts that they all develop in different stages of our life: the id, the ego and the superego. The terms come from the german “das Es”, "das Ich," and"das Über-Ich", that mean "the It", "the I", and the "Over-I".

The id is the unconscious part of our psyche. This is where all the primitive impulses are, like sex, anger and hunger instincts,that are by “default” in our personality. A newborn is all id. It demands satisfaction in the moment, that is what we call pleasure principle, if denied we experience unpleasure. The id doesn’t careabout any situation of reality. For example if a baby is hungry, he cries, even though mommy is cooking of eating, the baby must be pleased immediately.

The superego is the morals and values of societyand from one’s own, situated in the preconscious part. It develops around the age of 4-5. Its function it to control the id’s impulses, mostly which society forbids like having sex in public orattacking a person in the street. The two systems are the conscience and the ideal self. The conscience punishes the ego with guilt, like the Talking Cricket in Pinocchio. But it also rewards us when wedid something good with pride.

The ego is the balance between superego and id, located in the conscious part of our psyche. The ego stabilizes unrealistic id and squared superego. “That part of theid which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world” said Freud in his book (1923). This is a combination of what you want taking into account the reality principle, what is...
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