Gallito catedral

Páginas: 4 (815 palabras) Publicado: 22 de diciembre de 2011
El Gallito de la Catedral

In the times in which Quito was a city full of imaginary adventures, secret corners of dark hallways and stories of neighbors and gossips had a very tough character,strong, fond of gambling at cockfights to good food and especially drinking. Was this Don Ramon Ayala, known for "good neighborhood rooster."

Between his daily adventures reached was that of DonaMariana shop in the traditional neighborhood of San Juan. Gossips say that Dona Mariana mistelas made the best of the entire city. And also have those who knew her, she was a "chola" very pretty, and withher beauty and her mistelas had taken over the hearts of all men in the neighborhood. And each tried to impress his way.

Once in the store, Ramon Ayala talked for hours with friends and repeatedthe glasses of sweet wine with great enthusiasm. With a few drinks in the head, Ramon became excited than usual, drew thunderous voice chest and his buddies faced: "I am the rooster in thisneighborhood! Me neither ninguneo me!" And with that song and not leave them down the dark streets of Quito to his house, which was a few blocks from the Plaza de la Independencia.

As you know the people ofQuito, above the main church, rests in harmony with the wind, for many years, the solemn "Gallo de la Catedral." But Don Ramon, in the ecstasy of his drunkenness, the cock of the cathedral was leftshort. He stood outside the church and cried with a strange courage:

- "What gamecocks or cocks church! I'm the rooster! No me ninguneo rooster or the cock of the Cathedral!". And on and on his way,stumbling and swaying, talking to himself, - "What a silly cock!"

Some people may try the patience of a saint and people say that the cries of Don Ramon ended the holy patience cock of the Cathedral.One night, when the "rooster" Ayala approached the place of daily crying, she felt a blast of air, as if a large bird flew over his head. She thought it was just her imagination, but not seeing the...
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