
Páginas: 2 (336 palabras) Publicado: 9 de enero de 2012
Gandhi (1869-1948), was a Thinker, lawyer and politician indian man.
Was born in Porbandar, India in 1869. He also known as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma mean: “Big soul”.
He gotmarried when he was 13 years old with Katsurba and they got 4 children.
He was educated in law at University College, London. Then he returned to India to work as a lawyer in Bombay, without muchsuccess.
Two years later an Indian firm with interests in South Africa hired him. In that moment, Suth Africa was controlated by Britains.
Gandhi found himself treated as a member of an inferior race.He suffered discrimination. He horrified at the denial (rechazo) of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants in South Africa.
He started to struggle (luchar) for elementary rightsfor Indians.
He was imprisioned a lot of time for his activities pro-indians rights.
In 1904 he brought out (public) a weekly newspaper, called “Indian Opinion”, which treated the problems of Indiansin South Africa. This newspaper not included advertising (publicidad), so Gandhi spent much of his money to maintain it.
He said, The press is a great power, so an uncontrolled pen can be used fordestruction.
The principles of his struggle were:
Truth: The Gandhi´s life was an eternal conquest to discover truth. His life was marked by experiments on himself and learning from his ownmistakes.
Non violence resistance: Gandhi refused the violence. He showed that pacifism was a good way to get political imperatives and the independence of India was possible without bloodshed. Gandhipreached harmony and nonviolence in an age torn by two world wars
(Demostró que el pacifismo era un instrumento viable para alcanzar objetivos políticos ambiciosos y que la independencia de la India eraposible sin necesidad de derramamientos de sangre. Gandhi predicó la concordia y la no-violencia en un siglo convulsionado por dos guerras mundiales)
En 1947, Mahatma Gandhi was killed, and his...
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