Ghost Stories

Páginas: 3 (517 palabras) Publicado: 27 de noviembre de 2012
José J. Olmedo
October 17, 2012.
Prof. Pabellón
Intermediate English I
How to write a ghost story
It takes a lot of vivid imagination to write a ghost story . It’s not as easy as itsounds, most people don’t have the creativity to make a truly bone chilling ghost story. For this reason it is one of the most difficult genres to write about, but also one of the most thrilling andexciting. In general the process of writing a ghost story can be hard, but also rewarding. There are several characteristic that one must always remember , such as the emotion, the setting and the twist.To begin writing a ghost story you need be highly creative, you just can’t throw in all the usual stuff and call it a day, that would just be boring. The best thing you can do when you considerwriting a story is to brainstorm on ideas, watch a movie or read the news paper to draw inspiration. Try your best to make a cliché of an already famous story, remember that the idea must be dark butsimple to explain.
This is where things get really difficult. First of all, created a setting that fits your story, it needs to be perfect otherwise the story will not have a strong back ground. Itneeds to be dark and claustrophobic. Be very gruesome on the descriptions down to the door knot. When you describe the appearance ghost itself, describe something related to it, such as the smell, thenoises it makes, describe it with horrific detail as to make the reader feel truly scare.
The most important concept of the story is the emotion; you need to make the reader feel pure absolute fear.This is what every ghost story strides for. One of the key components of this is the suspense, always keep the tension high and drag the climatic encounters. Not knowing what will happen next, thatis the key to the emotional setting of the story.
The last detail is the twist, not as important as the setting or the emotional aspect of the story, but if you want to make your story truly...
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