
Páginas: 3 (503 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2012

Occurs during sex, at birth if the mother was infected, or by indirect contamination if, for example, a woman will use hygiene items from another infected person. Gonorrhea infectionsare among the most common STD in the world and is caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Although this bacterium was discovered in 1879 by German physician Albert Neisser, henceits name, there is evidence of knowledge of this disease since antiquity, is mentioned in Egyptian papyri, and it is known that in the third millennium BC and caused havoc in Asia. The term comesfrom Greek γονόρροια ("gonórrhoia"), which literally means "seminal fluid" in ancient times believed wrongly that the pus discharge associated with infection, contained semen.1
The first places thatthis bacterium affects are columnar epithelium of the urethra and endocervix. Nongenital places also are attacked are the rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva of the eyes. The vulva and vagina in women,usually, are also affected, since they are linked with epithelial cells, in women the cervix is ​​the usual first site of infection.

Gonorrhea in the male:

Symptoms appear between 2 and 21 daysafter acquiring the disease. The most common is a urethral mucosa white, clear or purulent (thick, yellowish), located at the tip of the penis. Other symptoms include painful urination, burningsensation in the urethra, pain or swelling of the testicles.
In this germ causes male urethritis and prostatitis.
Keep in mind that, on rare occasions, there are asymptomatic. At first it may gounnoticed.r
Gonorrhea in women:

In women, the infection usually presents as an asymptomatic. However, there may be signs and symptoms such as vaginal discharge, increased urination and urinary symptoms(dysuria). The expansion of the germ into the fallopian tubes can cause pain in the lower abdomen, shrinkage, fever, nausea and generalized symptoms when you have a bacterial infection.

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