Gramatica De Ingles

Páginas: 4 (912 palabras) Publicado: 27 de junio de 2012
Subject and Predicate
The basic unit of written expression is the sentence.
A sentence is a group of words that says something, all by itself.
It is complete;it can stand alone. It is followed by a period (or,
in certain cases, a question mark or an exclamation point).
In grammatical terms, a sentence is a group of words that contains
a subject and apredicate. The subject is the person or thing
you're talking about. The predicate (to predicate means to say or
declare) is what you're saying about it. For example:
We won.
The subject is we; thepredicate is won.
Mr. Canby's house is at the end of the road.
The subject is Mr. Canby's house; the predicate is is at the end of the
It is fundamental that a subject or a predicate byitself doesn't
say anything. It isn't a sentence. In order to form a sentence
you must have both a subject and a predicate.
My favorite program has been discontinued for the
She is alwaysbusy doing odd jobs
around- the house.
Many of the members have resigned.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Transposed Order
You notice, of course, that in thesesentences the subject comes
first; that's the normal order. But you can't depend upon that.
Often, for emphasis or variety, we put the predicate first (transposed
order—turned around).
Thewinning run came across the plate, (normal order)
Across the plate came the winning run. (transposed order)
In such a sentence either way is possible; the writer has his choice.
Each example below oftransposed order has been rewritten to
indicate the more usual subject-predicate order:
Down the street came a ragged procession of children.
(A ragged procession of children came down the street.)Now comes the fun.
(The fun comes now.)
On the other side of the tracks was a car dump.
(A car dump was on the other side of the tracks.)
Even more commonly the predicate may be split up, part of...
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