
Páginas: 2 (423 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2012
Topic: the siking of the titanic

Date: Saturday,12 fe

The sinking of the titanic

I had taken 3000 workers two years to build the titanic.At the time, in 1911, i was the largest and safestship in the world. There were movie about it, newspapers wrote about it ,and people everywhere talked about this wonderful ship.
On april 10, 1912 the titanic left from Southampton, England to sailto new York. It was its first journey and it was going to take saven days. Many rich people had paid a lot of money to travel first class . some of them were famous millionaries. The ship was alsocarrying a poor immigrants from Ireland who were going to the united states in the hope of a better life. At that time of the year, the north atlantic used to be dangerous because of the many icebergsother ships in the area had warned captain smitth about this, but he continued saling as fast as he could suddenly on the night of april 14 the titanic hit an iceberg. It happened at 11.40 at night andmost of the passengers were asleep.
When captain smith saw the hole on the side of the ship, he knew the titanic was lost. He went to the radio room and sent out an S.0.S call there were otherships in that area, but the couldn`t believe that the titanic was sinking. They had seen the flares coming from the direction of the ship but they thought the people on board were celebrating , smith toldhis men to get the passengers on to the lifeboats first went the women and children.but the worst was still to come there weren´t enough lifeboats for everyone of the 2,228 people on board 1500 hadto stay behind.
There are many stories about those tragic last minutes on the titanic a millonaire and his young wife tried to get on a boat but there wasn´t enough room for both of them so he toldher to go and he stayed behind. on anotther boat there was a place for mrs. strauss but not for her husband she didn´t want to go alone and decided to stay and die with him.
On that night, there...
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