High School Dropouts

Páginas: 10 (2500 palabras) Publicado: 8 de abril de 2012
When you finish high school, you feel like you are free, you decide what to study, what you want in life, and go to college. This is common in most cases, but sometimes, teens drop out of college, and this can be a significant problem, mostly to the teenager itself.
High school dropout is a condition in which the student leaves school because of bad grades, problems with anyteacher, or with any student, sometimes it is just a youthful rebellion. Students that dropout will face serious problems with his family, or maybe get into wrong ways.
Over a million of the students who enter high school fail to graduate later. In fact, about seven thousand students drop out every school day. Maybe this statistic was acceptable fifty years ago, but those times in which you could get ajob and earn living even after you dropout school, have ended.
Dropouts reduces chances of getting a good job, earn living, and more promising studies. Even more, not only do that affect them, but each dropout is responsible for financial and social costs to the communities, states, and country in which they live, it can also produce more social problems like vandalism or criminality.
Thisproject is based on high school dropouts, why it is one of the first problems that affect teens.
People should read about this to get informed about this issue, and how this affect young people all over the world, and why it is one of the first problems that affect teens and the consequences that produce in their future life.
The objective of this project is high school dropouts, its causes andeffects, why it happens, but most important when it happens, and how to be prevented. What happens to the students that do it.

High school dropout
Approximately 7,000 high school students drop out every school day around the world, which is one in three students. Once students make the decision to drop out, they don’t have what is needed to survive in a society as harsh as the one today, and theylack also the tools to make their ways to a successful future.
But the decision to drop out of school does not happen from one day to another, it comes after years of frustration and failure. Often, those that drop out have run out of motivation and have no source of support or encouragement in school or at home. 
There is a high school dropout epidemic right now. Each year, almost one third ofall public high school students fail to graduate from public high school with their class. Many of these students leave school within two years, others lose more than 2-3 grades in order to graduate, if they hadn’t dropout. This cycle has been happening since years ago, even though education has been getting better through time. But, during this time, no one has been aware of the serious problemthat dropout is, most of it due to inaccurate numbers.
The decision to drop out is very dangerous and it comes with a lot of problems. Dropouts are much more to produce unemployment, the ex-students find themselves living in poverty, receiving public assistance, in prison, on death by sickness, murder, or because of getting into criminality, unhealthy in many ways, divorced, and it also canproduce single parents with children who drop out from high school themselves.
High school dropout also affects communities by meaning the loss of productive workers and the higher costs of living, health care and social services. Also, each dropout is a financial loss to the school, therefore to the city, state or country that the teen is living in.
Now that there are the numbers, the facts areshown, why do young people drop out of high school in such large numbers? Almost every elementary and middle school student reports ambitions that include high school graduation and some of them want to go to college. A lot of dreams, promising futures and useful workers are lost because of this issue. This happens mostly in United States, where middle school represents seventh and eight grade, and...
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