
Páginas: 4 (827 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2014
The word Hindu comes from the Persian hindu (ہندو), which was the way the Persians pronounced the name of the river Sindhu (in Spanish, the Indus River, which was formerly the boundary of Hindustan). Its oldest known appearance dates from the time of Darius I , under the hindush form, mentioned in an inscription in Avestan . The name designating the people of contemporary Indian Subcontinent .After the Muslim conquests of the eleventh century , originating in Persia and Central Asia , this name also began to be used in India .

Strictly speaking, in Spanish , the word Hindu is not thesame as Indian, although often the first to the second mistaken. Historically, the term has referred to the person who professes Hinduism regardless of nationality, as the native country India is calledIndian. However, according to the provisions of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language , Hindu term refers both to the natural person from India and a person who professes Hinduism. However theterm Hindu was also created to refer to an exclusively religious context. In some Latin American countries, because the word "Indian" is used pejoratively and erroneously to refer to Native Americanssometimes used "Hindu" as adjective native of India. The RAE accepts this as true as long as there is no possibility of confusion (could mean to offend those of other religions).Originariamente lapalabra proviene del idioma persa hindú, que era la manera en que los persas pronunciaban el nombre del río Sindhu (en español, el río Indo, que antiguamente era la frontera de Indostán). Según la RealAcademia Española, la palabra en español proviene del francés hindou (/indú/).

Se denomina «hinduista» a la persona que practica alguna de las religiones del hinduismo, pero también designa a quienforma parte de esa misma cultura.

El hecho que la mayoría de la población de la India profesa el hinduismo, junto con el deseo de evitar la ambigüedad del gentilicio indio (usado también para...
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