Historia De Venezuela

Páginas: 5 (1120 palabras) Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2012
Scientific name of paprika.
Capsicum annuum is the scientific name of a Native American Solanum. It is known by the names of chile, chili, pepper, sweet pepper and red pepper. Paprika is the dried pepper spray.

Which is the pepper?
Paprika or paprika powder is a spice red and flavor obtained from dried and ground of certain varieties of red peppers. It is a fundamental ingredient oftypical Spanish dishes such as potatoes Rioja, the Galician octopus, patatas bravas and chorizo. Also other Hungarian cuisines as use it liberally. Currently India and China are the leading exporters of this product worldwide.1 Thanks to plant breeding varieties were achieved orange, yellow and white.

Origins of paprika.
Source pepper: The pepper plant is native to Mexico, Central Americabut also in the regions of South Asia. The Capsicum annum, L. or pepper is a plant of the Solanaceae family, which in the sixteenth century began to be introduced in Spain after the discovery of this wonderful new world to which he was named America and was the Christopher Columbus which took him to Spain for the first time as stated in a letter written by Peter M. of Angleria dated September1493. Which makes the peppers in one of the first plants introduced into Europe from the New World.
At first it was described by doctors and scientists who study plants as a result "hot like pepper" so the first name that was given to the pepper was "pepper pig" as I call Andres Laguna, the "Materia Medica" but this name evolved into the current nickname of pepper.

Varieties of paprika.There are three major varieties:
Paprika: That as the name suggests, has its characteristic flavor but not spicy.
Cayenne pepper: What also stings a greater or lesser degree.
Ocal or bittersweet paprika: Obtained from a specific variety of peppers (variety Jariza), although a similar result can be achieved by mixing different proportions of the two.
Depending on the raw, paprika alsoacquired various properties. For example, for the manufacture of sausages, paprika is essential that the preservative qualities also have to avoid degradation.

Culinary uses of paprika.
One of the main uses is in Spanish cooking canning, mainly meats, such as sobrasadas the chistorras, sausage (some folk from the slaughter of the pig), loin marinated or sausage, and pickles typically the musselsbut also chicken, sardines, mackerel, etc... It also is also used in everyday cooking as a seasoning or decoration of some dishes, like octopus, the kebabs, potatoes chimneys, etc... One of the first uses it merely as a food color, can thus dressings olives to Madrid or Madrid stew of chickpeas, etc... In some cases provides a smoky flavor. It is used in making sauces like spicy mojo sauce, mixedwith oil in mussels from Galicia. The preparation of pickles, the flavoring of soups (garlic soup). It is used in rice, add to crumbs.

Medicinal uses of paprika.
The inclusion of paprika in the regular diet of people helps regulate the digestive process, is therefore highly recommended its use to those who have digestive disorders like constipation.
The fruit of the pepper hasantirheumatic properties, one of the ways to exploit this property is to let soak for 1 hour a diced pepper in warm water. Subsequently, water is applied in the joints, so would reduce the pain caused by these diseases.

As sowing the paprika.
Two months after planting, when the seedlings are over 15 cm tall, with 5 or 6 leaves, plant them in lines separated about 40-50 cm. between plants and60-70 cm. between the lines.

But before planting, you should dig the ground to aerate and add 3 kg/m2 compost, manure or earthworm humus.

That land is planted paprika.
The soils most suitable for pepper are loose and sandy (not clay or heavy), deep, rich in organic matter and especially with good drainage. Soils and asphyxiating encharcadizos favor the development of fungi on roots and...
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